Damage assessment opinion

29 May 2016
Can anyone help me determining what kind of damage might result repaired mark like this in the front of the firewall just on left side? Underneath all chassis crossmember show no sign of bending all straight arrow. Only other sign is the front left headlight cover slightly off center being very closed to the bonnet at the tip e.g when closed the headlight cover is angled towards the bonnet slightly. Car drives fine no weirded handing at all. Is this still a good NSX? Thanks in advanced

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Not sure why the picture turned upside down but the repaired mark is just in front of the plastic cover at the bottom 1/3 line

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That is where someone has butt welded a panel to the front of the left shock tower. This was done probably because of damaged sustained in a crash. I would hazard to guess that it was repaired using a used front apron section and spliced in this, in my opinion, inappropriate location. It is not considered a correct repair when you section through a shock tower housing and not install the entire assembly.

Repairs of this manner are displayed in many threads on this site and people not knowing any better herald them as great "builds" and hold those doing so in great esteem because of the photo documentation, when they are, from what I see, improper, unsafe and incorrect repairs. They litter the existing NSX population with shitty cars that are ticking and waiting to fail.

One can section in used assemblies but there are very limited locations for one to splice at other than the factory locations. The technique and type of weld choice is limited as well.

This type of section, that you seem to show in the pics, is done quite often and I have seen where these repairs fail. I have seen this type of failure on rebuilt NSX's. One had both rails busted, snapped off after a collision which is NOT something that should happen.

After a car is rebuilt it is supposed to have the same strength and design as prior to the accident. Not weaker or stronger but as intended. Should it have a later accident, say of the the exact same nature, it should react the same as the virgin car did in the first crash.
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