Dallas Meet 10/24 10:30am


18 August 2004
Dallas, TX
Let's meet at the Starbucks @ 114 and Macarthur on Sunday 10/24. From reponses and several private messages this was the best time for a gathering with a good show. See you guys/gals then!! Please sign in on this thread so we know who we will be expecting, just in case we go for a drive we will wait till everyone shows. :cool:
Can anyone in the D/FW area help me out with my BBSC. Don't have the software for the blackbox to tune it. Car running really rich. :confused: Sorry out of the subject but if my car get done might be able to make it to the meet.
97 NSEX-T said:
Can anyone in the D/FW area help me out with my BBSC. Don't have the software for the blackbox to tune it. Car running really rich. :confused: Sorry out of the subject but if my car get done might be able to make it to the meet.

The only thing I can recommend is you going over to Goodson and have Susan let Curtis look at it. Maybe they can contact Mark Basch to iron out your issues. Good Luck. I was thinking of buying a BBSC kit, but having not riden in one yet I won't take the plunge.
Good thing you didn't I kinda regret it. Maybe if they come out with the AEM EMS for the OBDII it would probably make thing a little easier for me.Know of any EMS for the OBDII NSX?
I can help you if you have the Gen 1 SSBlack Box. I highly recommend you send it in to Basch for the upgrade to Gen 2.

PM me for details.

97 NSEX-T said:
Can anyone in the D/FW area help me out with my BBSC. Don't have the software for the blackbox to tune it. Car running really rich. :confused: Sorry out of the subject but if my car get done might be able to make it to the meet.
Count Me in, weather permiting! G-rider can you post the route?

I don't have any ideas on a route for a drive, maybe someone could come up with one.
CB600 has a good route that takes about 3.5 hrs to complete.

Damn.....that's a long drive. I wish I had all afternoon to drive around, but I don't. I hope we have a decent showing so the new owners can meet each other.
ok, 4 peeps so far.


There has to more active NSX owners in Dallas!!
There has to more active NSX owners in Dallas!!

They have retired. :cool:
i would love to go, but i'm taking a tour of bob smith coachworks in gainesville on saturday (with Z club of TX), which means work sunday.

i have found that DFW is a tough market for any kind of organized activity, ranging from university-student to professional organizations, or for trade activity (buying/selling). DFW has a mindset all its own.

for example, once i discovered there was such a thing as nsxprime (about 6 months AFTER i bought my X (that's right, i said "X")), it took me over a year to find out IF there were any organized DFW NSX activities, and the response i got was less than welcoming. something about we want to be careful who we tell about our meetings so we can be sure the right kinds of people are showing up.

at NSteXpo in april, i was the only dallasite to show up, and at NSXPO, i was the only texan (ironically, i was unable to attend NSXPO 2002, right here in our own back yard, so i can certainly understand the difficulty of attending such an event.). we (DFW) had a very pleasant drive day over memorial day weekend, and the people i met were quite friendly, so maybe i just got hold of the wrong person initially. susan and her crew treat me like a king every time i show up at goodson's, but the "other" DFW acura dealerships have never seemed overly burdened by an obligation to customer service.

also, i suspect that lots of people (like me) have to work 6 & 7 days a week, so our free time is quite limited. especially for small-business owners, which DFW is known for.

all that to say: if you're expecting a great outpouring of enthusiasm from DFW-ites (regardless of the type of activity--not NSX-specific), you might be disappointed. i emphasize, it's not specific to DFW NSX'ers. the Z club of TX had a proportionally disappointing turnout for a recent track day at hallet (in case you're wondering at the continuous references to ZCOT, my friend is the club president. their activities are also planned enough in advance so that i can plan to participate, and they welcome the chance to whoop ass on an NSX anyhow. yeah, like that would ever happen!).

so, don't flame me, go to the events. i'd go this weekend if i could, but i planned this weekend's tour about 3 months ago. i'm also available to help plan events, so don't think i'm just sitting on the sidelines cussing the ref.
I understand your comments, Dave.

My only day off in Sunday. :(

The Dallas area M3 owners are quite involved. Last year we had a turn out of about 20 E46 M3's. It was cool.

Hopefully the rest of the Dallas Nsxers will chime in and show up.
If you take a scenic drive towards East Tx, then I may meet you guys along the way. Its hard to justify driving 2.5 hours just to go for another 3 hour drive, and then to drive 2.5 hours back home.
NSXLuvr said:
If you take a scenic drive towards East Tx, then I may meet you guys along the way. Its hard to justify driving 2.5 hours just to go for another 3 hour drive, and then to drive 2.5 hours back home.

I agree it is far for you to come for a frapaccino and to chat with other NSX owners.
zomby woof said:
for example, once i discovered there was such a thing as nsxprime (about 6 months AFTER i bought my X (that's right, i said "X")), it took me over a year to find out IF there were any organized DFW NSX activities, and the response i got was less than welcoming. something about we want to be careful who we tell about our meetings so we can be sure the right kinds of people are showing up.also, i suspect that lots of people (like me) have to work 6 & 7 days a week, so our free time is quite limited. especially for small-business owners, which DFW is known for.

all that to say: if you're expecting a great outpouring of enthusiasm from DFW-ites (regardless of the type of activity--not NSX-specific), you might be disappointed. i emphasize, it's not specific to DFW NSX'ers. the Z club of TX had a proportionally disappointing turnout for a recent track day at hallet (in case you're wondering at the continuous references to ZCOT, my friend is the club president. their activities are also planned enough in advance so that i can plan to participate, and they welcome the chance to whoop ass on an NSX anyhow. yeah, like that would ever happen!).

I agree on these points you're talking about. I have to work 5-6 days per week also. Here's a suggestion...If the majority here wants a large turn out of nice import cars, why not make it a diversified import sports car meet? Diversified as in, owners of NSX, M3, S4, M5, S2000, 350z/G35 coupe, RX-8, etc. (To name a few). Then again that's just me since I rather see more then 4-5 other cars at this meet, lol. :D

I'll find out literally at the last moment (Sat. evening at the latest) if I can make this meet.
I organized a few group drives before. Usually, 2-5 NSX showed up. It didn't bother me whole a lot because we still had a good time anyway. I went to a group drive with S2000 club once, I recalled 20 cars showed up. Mostly S2000 of course, also Porsche, Corvette, Mitsubishi Evo, Audi S4 and NSX. I have to admit that it's more fun with more cars.

The weather (temperature wise) should be good from now on, I don't mind to organize a group drive again. There is a good route North East of Plano. A few NSXers drove it a few times. It’s close to Dallas area and pretty decent. To be safe, I always say 3.5 hours for the whole trip. Usually, 3 hour including pit-stop. Our fastest record was 2.5 hour:-)

My work has been killing me for a few months. Sorry to say this, I will not be able to beg people to attend. If some of you are interested for a group drive. Please suggest a date and I will do my best. Thanks a lot.
Most likely will miss another get together...

I have go out of town Monday. If I can get all my crap together and packed by Sunday I might just sneak over for a few minutes.
97 NSEX-T said:
I would like to thanks all the people that help me out with my BBSC. Car is up and running. And everything is perfect. :)

So, are you coming with your SC car?