Dali Sways Suggestion

19 June 2003
I'm wondering if it's OK to run Dali RACE Anti-Sway bars on the street. I travel around San Francisco and so the roads are OK sort of speak -- they'er not perfect. Is it ok to run the RACE version or is it just safer to use the race/street setup ?

i use the dali 1" track swaybars on the street (which includes driving on all sorts of road conditions.) they are fine. i have them set to the stock lengths, which means they could be "one hole" stiffer, but i have absolutely no complaints regarding ride comfort, etc..
does anyone here use the track bars on the stiff settings? i am curious to see what kind of difference it makes.
I also have the Dali 25mm bars. The front is full stiff, the rear is on the softest setting.

I don't think the bars have made street driving uncomfortable, however our roads are quite good. I really like how flat the car is on cornering.

I'm on OEM wheels/tires at the moment, and lowered with Eibachs.
ctrlaltdelboy: I'm relatively new to the NSX and totally new to chassis tuning, so take my comments in that context. :) I do a bit of autocrossing. When I first installed the track bars I chose medium in front, full soft in rear. I did this because a few prime members indicated they were oversteering with the track bars. In the first event I went to I oversteered exiting turns. Therefore I put the front on the firmest setting.

I've done one autoX since the change and it felt better, but there weren't too many tight turns. I've got another autoX this weekend. It should give me a better idea.

On the street I never get close enough to the limit to notice the change.
Update: I've retained the sway settings, i.e., full soft rear, firmest setting on front. Since the last post I've also installed Hoosier's, on OEM wheels for AutoX use. and SSR GT1's with Kumhos for street. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20044

At the AutoX the handling seems nicely balanced. I can get it to oversteer exiting turns If I roll on the throttle quickly but it's very manageable.

The original post here was asking about street use. I'm very happy with the feel of the car with the big sways. The car doesn't feel as comfortable as stock but on generally smooth roads I'll live with the compromise.
ctrlaltdelboy said:
cool - I'll try that setting on mine (that's furthest hole from the bar end for firm and nearest hole to the end for soft, right?)

your street wheels look awesome!

Shortest lever for the stiffest setting, longest lever for the softest setting.

Good luck.