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Dali Racing Quaestion

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24 November 2005
Linue, Kauai, Hawaii
Ok, so I am really upset right now and don't know what to do. Basically, I am here to ask NSXPrime's opinion about what I should do. I placed an order with Dali Racing 45 days ago exactly and have recieved 2 of 5 items in my order. The total order was a little over $800.

At the time, he told me that the other items were out of stock, and that he would mail out the the other parts once they come in at the end of the month, or November. That's honestly perfectly FINE with me. Problem is now though that it is getting close to me being able to get my money back through paypal, he has stopped replying to any of my e-mails. i have sent an e-mail just about everyday for a month and he hasn't replied to any of them.

I'm not a demanding buyer here. All I ask for in my e-mails are replys, just to keep my mind at ease (have been ripped off online several times before). Hearing swtuff like they don't have time to answer them is just silly. I run two businesses of my own and pull some crazy hours to keep my customers happy and that's why I get a ton of business.

Anyways, here's the question...if it were you, would you go ahead and pull you money back through paypal since this is the last day, or would you take the chance for a reply or parts to show up, and just leave the money with him? I don't want to take money back if he's legit, but after really looking at comments he makes towards customers on his website, posts here about him, and his lack of replys to me, I'm really starting to get worried. Anyways feedback will be helpful. I have a couple hours to make a claim on paypal and pull my money back.

Thanks for the help.
Dr. Feelgood's advice:

1. $100 (back) in your pocket is worth $100. Exactly.
2. Once you have your money back, you can re evaluate products/vendors, and decide how to get what you want...later.
3. Good luck
Honest opinion? Do a search....

Dali Racing IMHO is going to burn you sooner or later. Simple as that.

Up to you if you want to wait it out. They have a very F*** it customer service attitude, and while I've had nothing but success with him in the past, I would be very cautious about anything I ordered from him.

Good luck...if I were you, I'd use the paypal refund. No harm, no foul.... you can always pay him for the remainder parts when they come in. If he isn't replying to your emails, it's not your fault if you cancel your order. That's his problem.
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you better get your money back through paypal while you still can.
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Thanks everyone for the replys and PMs on the subject..I decided to make the dispute and now I have 20 days till it becomes a claim if nothing is solved I think. I have never done this before, so if you have advice please fill me in :) PLEASE. Anyways, here is the e-mail I just sent Mark after filling the dispute. I really hope he just sends me the products or atleast just e-mails me. I'm a REALLY for giving person. I'll keep the site updated. Anyways, it's Saturday night...time for us all to go out and have fun! Later you all and thanks for the honest opinions.

"Hey man...I just wanted to let you know I opened a claim against you on paypal ONLY b/c you fail to reply to my e-mails. We have 20 days to settle this dispute now before it becomes a claim . I really hate doing stuff likethis man...seriously I feel retarded lol. As I said in my last e-mail though, I have been ripped off before and want to make sure I don't get ripped off again. Also, before I made the claim I posted about this on NSXP to see others people's opinions (since I don't know enough about NSX's vendors yet), and everyone told me to do this as well as a few PMs from people telling me to do this.

Please man, all I want is my products that I paid for. I run two businesses so I know it can be hard, and am willing to listen to you if you are having problems or anything, but customer service is always a top priority with owning a business. I hope you understand and really hope this can be resolved without having to get paypal to force you to pay me back. That's just silly for both of us.

Please, lets settle this a positive way,

what did you order? A problem some people can't handle is being at the mercy of the manufacturer like volks and getting things from japan through customs, etc, etc. There are certain things that vendors can't control sometimes and that's the delays that aren't in their control. Not sure of your whole situation, but thought I'd give my couple cents.
what did you order? A problem some people can't handle is being at the mercy of the manufacturer like volks and getting things from japan through customs, etc, etc. There are certain things that vendors can't control sometimes and that's the delays that aren't in their control. Not sure of your whole situation, but thought I'd give my couple cents.

Even then all it would have taken was a reply e-mail once he found out there was problems with the vendor. Keep the customer up to date on his order.
Even then all it would have taken was a reply e-mail once he found out there was problems with the vendor. Keep the customer up to date on his order.

Exactly. I am very resonable to work with, and I know he was getting these from Japan...they are NSX-R interior parts. Seriously though, all I need are replys to my e-mails or a phone card something..that's all.
Mark @ Dali has treated me well in the couple of transactions I've had with him, but I agree that he shouldn't be keeping your money and leaving you hanging with no product. I know he had to leave town suddenly on my last transaction because of a family emergency. Dunno if that is ongoing or not, but might be a factor.

A reasonable solution would be for him to at least refund the portion of the payment related to the backordered parts. He could then notify you when they do arrive and you could make payment then.
You have PM.
As you've filed a claim be as much objective as you can. Say what you want and copy all the Emails 1:1 you've had with them to proof what you're saying. Just imagine the situation that PayPal is the judge now and doesn't know anything about the deal so far. You have to convince PayPal this is a rip-off and that you want part of your money back. The better and more detailled you describe the situation the faster you get your money back. DALI knows the game, it's not his first PayPal claim to go through. :wink:

Good luck!

what did you order? A problem some people can't handle is being at the mercy of the manufacturer like volks and getting things from japan through customs, etc, etc. There are certain things that vendors can't control sometimes and that's the delays that aren't in their control. Not sure of your whole situation, but thought I'd give my couple cents.

You're automatically play russian roulette if you know that Volk wheels arrive in x months and you only have 45 days to react. That would be a reason for me not to buy them on order from a shop with a bad history. (Swiss people know what I'm going through since several months :().
well i had been promised a refund of £48 GBP from him 3 months later still waiting

thx amo
You did the right thing about filing a Paypal dispute. Dali's practice has been to communicate with the buyer right up until the time that it becomes too late to reverse the charge and then stop responding. The lack of courtesy and communication would be insult enough but then Dali generally doesn't ship or refund the money after the dispute period has expired. We have seen it more often with buyers outside of California, probably as a result of the fact that the further away the buyer is the less risk of legal, or personal, retaliation.

Ironically, many long time supporters of Dali are finding that they are joining the ranks of the ripped off. There have been several of his "friends" who have found that they have been "fired" as customers because they had the nerve to ask when their order might be filled. Honestly, I can't understand why anyone would do business with him but there are always those who say "he has never ripped me off so he must be a good guy" despite the ever increasing numbers of members of our community becoming victims.

Just in case you had any doubt about whether you made the right choice, here are but a few of the complaints:


















And perhaps the most glaring example of Mark's temerity in not keeping his word is his treatment of a Prime member after that member died:


Just look at the true represenstation of his trader rating. After you realize that the number of positive interactions is inflated greatly by a considerable number of ratings by one buyer, you can focus on the number of unique ratings. Specifically, 33 different members posted a positive rating while 19 different members posted a negative. That means out of the people who actually reported a rating 35% were ripped off.

I realize I have been criticized in the past by the Dali fans but I will again suggest that before they post flames and praise Dali they should use their apparent friendship with him to get to him to respond to the multiple complaints, something he has never done. Sadly, I have never had any one of his supporters ever volunteer to speak with him about the fact that our community routinely gets ripped off so I always feel compelled to warn potential buyers, such as the OP, and remind everyone caveat emptor.
I know he had to leave town suddenly on my last transaction because of a family emergency. Dunno if that is ongoing or not, but might be a factor.

That was at the end of October. Since then, he has been able to post in a thread touting his service while ignoring the inquiries of the OP.


Just more of the pattern. I have seen people be ignored after the dispute time has expired and then email him under a different name posing as a new buyer and getting an immediate response. If he has the time to post in his tout threads he should respond to customer inquiries.
I have never ordered anything from Dali until 2 weeks ago. All I ordered was some basic NSX-R vinyl stickers and I haven't rec'd them yet. I just emailed them yesterday and they replied with a apology. It wasn't even shipped yet.
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