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Dali Racing owes...

27 June 2003
Lenexa, KS, USA
Originally posted by nsxbuilder in http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&goto=lastpost&threadid=24802
...Do this; those who Dali owes parts or money to directly, start a new thread and put down the totals. One concise "registry" of everyone with a valid grievance. ...
Although I am not entirely sure what nsxbuilder means by "valid grievance", I will start this registry of parts/money Dali owes.

I do not wish to invoke the wrath of the other members of this site; however, I agree with nsxbuilder, that in order to fully appreciate the scope of this issue, one location for detailed postings is necessary. I realize that MJ has lots of satisfied customers. If he didn't, he would no longer be in business; but, the fact that he has satisfied customers merely begs the question 'why does he have, from a business point of view, so many detractors?'.

Four months ago, I ordered sway bars, a harness bar, and a 5-point harness. While I received the sway bars and harness bar in a reasonable amount of time; however, to date, I have not received the harness ($225.00). I have emailed Mark 5 times about this issue, with no response.
He owes me.

Since this list has one name on it already the list is too long. We are not talking about "unhappy" customers, we are talking about people who have been defrauded, that to me is in a different realm.

Like the previous, I ordered various parts and got most of them. Dali left out the Zenardi Floor mats and my oil filter. Mark said he kept the oil filter because he had to pay service charges to deposit my out of country check. My Bank says he is full of shit. So if Mark cannot prove he was charged a $20.00 fee then I want both parts. As for the floor mats he never did give a reason why he kept them, I guess he must have been under the weather that day and did not feel like sending them. He claimed several months later to have them in stock. ...And yes I did send him nice pleasant emails asking the nice fellow to PLEASE send my mats.:mad:

All of those people who believe I only lost $120 can anti up with a check. The value of the crime does not determine if it was a crime or not.
Re: He owes me.

Dash Rip Rock said:
Mark said he kept the oil filter because he had to pay service charges to deposit my out of country check. My Bank says he is full of shit.
Many banks do in fact charge fees related to deposits of Canadian (or other foreign country's) checks. Fees vary greatly, and are determined by each bank as they see fit. IMO, the person who gave you the information from your bank was not fully informed. Maybe just giving an opinion based on their institution's fee structure and policies.
Dali owes............an apology

I was fortunate to be able to reverse the charges (in excess of $1000) because I had a credit card company that was "appreciative" of my years of loyalty. I paid the full amount of the goods through Paypal within 24 hours of my order and initially had an excellent experience with MJ who walked me through the products to ensure that I was ordering the right items for my needs.

After continuing to receive emails about my questions and the status of the shipment, I then became a little concerned because my inquiries were met with "I shipped it to the wrong address," "UPS needed more information on my address" and then just silence. Incidentally, my shipping address was my office and my law firm is well known to UPS/Fedex/USPS etc. as we were one of the first tenants in the building 16 years ago.

At that time, I did not realize that Paypal requires that a dispute must be filed within 30 days or else they will refuse to reverse the charges. After multiple email inquiries, all of which were professional in tone and temperament, to MJ went completely unanswered, I was forced to work with the credit card company for the card I link with Paypal to try to get my funds back.

By the way, Paypal took no interest in trying assist me after their time limit expired. I was not expecting them to bend over backwards but I was quite surprised to learn of their reluctance to get involved in any fashion after the 30 days elapsed.

Ultimately, my credit card company acquiesced and managed to reverse the funds in my favor directly against Paypal which, presumably, managed to debit them from Dali's account. I am assuming that Paypal was successful in getting reimbursed from Dali but all I know is that I was able to force Paypal to credit me for the order.

I am posting this for the first time (this occurred during the winter and spring of 2002) because I do not want to be accused of merely "jumping on the bandwagon" of Dali detractors. I would have been more than happy to order more products from Dali had my experience not been so "trying."

Quite simply, if MJ has the time to put together the NSX Registry then he should have the time at least to answer inquiries about where the orders are for members of our community. If something is backordered, just say so. If you are too busy racing in Europe to respond for 30 days, let those waiting know how long that may add to the delivery schedule. There is no excuse for taking the money and then ignoring valid inquiries about when delivery may be expected.

It is time for Dali to acknowledge this ongoing problem despite the fact that it appears to affect just a portion of the members. I realize fully that many people are satisfied but I believe it is safe to say that is because they actually received their orders. For those of us who may be in what others perceive to be the minority, it is obvious that more and more are becoming vocal and I, for one, will continue to dissuade others from risking their money with a business that has shown itself to be hit or miss at best.
