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    Caveat Emptor!

Dali Racing- NOT SO HAPPY!

21 January 2004
San Francisco
I'm usually a quiet person and dont' like to bash anyone! But Dali Racing is purposely ignoring my emails AND avoid the problem.
Here's the story:
I had purchased some straight pipes and then decided i did not want them and sent them in prestine condition. HE & I agreed that he would use the $160 towards another purchase. I then asked for to use the money towards a new front lip spoiler and he would get back to me on it. IT's now been 1.5 months and i have yet to hear from him. I was warned about his business practices before, but i thought he couldn't be that bad, I WAS WRONG! :mad:

For those of you thinking of doing business with him, BE WARNED! :mad:

So I know see him as what he's worth $160 and now he's getting free BAD PUBLICITY! GOOD GOING DALI RACING! You sure earned ANOTHER DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER IN THE NSX COMMUNITY and word will sure get around FAST!