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Dali Racing AAA+++ service


Legendary Member
Tech Expert
1 August 2008
City of Angels
I get no benefit speaking highly of Dali so let me just say I ordered lug nuts and a H&R spacer kit yesterday. Well, I received them at work today shipped.

Mark is a one-man show he's not amazon.com. I would recommend not being a high maintenance customer and you will benefit the cheapest prices on specialized NSX parts this side of the globe.

Good luck!
I see many of the guys have positive and negative things to say about Dali Racing. I would like to put my 2 cents in.

First ill tell you the positive thing i had with Dali. It was a Friday late at night, and my coolant tank took a sh!t. I then sent Mark an email requesting for one that i like. I needed some input on it as well but already knew a little about it, i have gotten some great info from a prime member here on the forum he had given me a lot of advice about after market tanks.

I was going out trout fishing first thing saturday and left an email stating that "it will be a late day for me and i will not be back in to check emails and probably will not get to the email until Monday. But i needed this thing like yesterday so please call me". So from my 3 other orders in the past with Mark, I knew that no matter how much i asked for a contact number he would not give it to me. So the key is to ask. Its like the wording in the Bible. Ask. "Ask you and you will receive" something like that. Right. So all i did was ask. So i finally got my answer. He said that "dealing with people on the phone all day will not allow him to do his work". Not only dealing with orders but people call with stupid questions sometimes and it does take up a lot of time. I have that experience with my self as well. He is taking his time and dedicating it to us to provide all this stuff to the market to make us happy. He does not need to do it, its that he loves what he does and customer service is a though thing out there.
So i asked him to please call i will pay over the phone with my credit card but i need it this week asap, i need him to send it out first thing, to please call me and let me know he can do that.
So i am out fishing awaiting the call and its past 9pm and i figured i will not get anything i will just have an email so i will need to wait until Monday to send a reply and funds because i didn't know how much shipping would be for next day service.

I get home Saturday night and open my emails and i see an email from Mark saying item went out first thing in the morning and gave me a tracking number. He said it will be there Monday and gave me the total.
I didn't even pay for this thing yet and its on the way. I told him i will send him the funds on Monday. He was ok with it. Monday, Tuesday and then Wednesday goes by and i didn't send a payment. So wed. night i sent him the payment and i asked "didn't it worry you that you might of not gotten paid for it?" He said "NO". As i promised him the payment Monday and didn't follow up with it. It made me look like the bad guy. Things happen in live and things turn out not as planned. SO i learned that from my own experience and dealing with Patients all day.

I thing if you are calm and treat others the way you want to be treated you will receive the same from that person. Someone had mentioned it in another feedback for Dali on here and its True. If someone bothered me over and over for something it would only drive me crazy and make the day more stressed. We are not perfect we forget. And we have things come up as not planned.

I will order from Mark anytime. Give someone the respect and you shall receive it as well.

AAA+++ customer service and items that i bought from Dali. Quality is by far better then many that ii have seen.