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Dali - need help please

29 December 2005
Essex, UK
Hi All,

Anyone close too and/or on good terms with Mark please.

We've had a number of UK Group Buys which have worked well and been shipped securely and swiftly.

On the back of these we had another one run late 2008 which was due to ship just before Christmas. It didnt. We put this down to the time of year and have tried contacting Mark (who usually responds very quickly) but have heard nothing.

Does anyone know if he is back to work, away due to illness or vacation or simply ignoring us.

This order impacts a number of us including myself and is for a variety of items, including some rims I bought from another Primer and had sent to Mark for shipping with the order. He acknowledged reciept of the rims.

Any help appreciated, I'm hoping its something simply that can get the order back on track to the UK.

regards, Paul

PS, please do not use this thread if you have individual issues to resolve. Thank you.
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All I can say is that I wish the best of luck with your order. Sincerely.
Just e-mail him with questions about MORE stuff you want to BUY. Then add on the rest at the end. You'll get a hasty response.

That was my first thought and one of our guys is genuinely after a new cover but we've had no reply to attempts to place the order which is why I am wondering if he is not in the shop right now?

Thanx for the idea tho'
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Oh, oh...Actually theman's tactic would be the second best one. Ordering more parts can be dangerous cause you can loose even more money...The very best tactic is to put a claim on PayPal I hope you paid through and didn't let pass the period of x (international 45???) days. DALI doesn't work alone, does he?

I hope it works out for you. Let us know how it worked out.
Thanx for the feedback and to those of you who have pm'ed info or advise.

Through some research here of correspondence we have found telephone numbers for both Dali and his distribution centre. These have also been confirmed by some friendly pm's.

Have tried calling Mark, texting and of course emailing - no response. My messages have all been polite and curteous asking him to either ship the items or grant release of the items for someone else to collect (thanx for the kind offers to assist). Still no response.

Acoupe of us have also contacted the distribution centre that tell us they dont want to get involved, cant accept a direct payment to ship the items and admit that Mark frustrates them too!

Current status: 3 of the guys have actioned the paypal 45 day clause and recieved refunds. 2 are outside the window as their parts were late stock arrivals to previous GB's so the 45 day window has long past. Only hope for them is via the credit cards that support the paypal account.

The shipping company, Pann Auto, confirmthey have my rims sitting in their warehouse. Even though these are not MJ stock, they still say they cant help :confused:

So, on the basis that Mark has acknowledged by email safe receipt of my wheels, and that Pann Auto confirm they still have them, who do you know that you can put me in touch with at MJ's local Police department as he has now clearly stolen my rims.

If you prefer to pm info that is still very helpful and will remain in pm.

Thanx in advance

Regards, Paul
Sadly it appears that Mark Johnson, sole proprietor of Dali Racing has decided he no longer wishes to communicate with his UK customers.

Fortunately for some members here they have been able to recover most of their costs through credit card or Paypal protection.

For two of us, Luke (Lankstarr) and me, no such joy. Luke loses because the missing items valued at around $700 are outstanding from previous GB's. For me its because I had paid for items from another Prime member (excellent to deal with), shipped to Mark as he offered to ship with the last, and now failed Group Buy (GB).

So why am I posting? So that if anyone else has direct orders or is thinking of placing an order you are fully aware that I am offering Mark 24 hours to reply to my email. After this time I will be writing to accuse him of theft to both the San Diego Sheriffs office and the San Diego Police department. I'm writing to both as I dont know where the boundary of responsibility lies, ie the City limit.

I have also found that according to the San Diego 'Better Business Bureau', Dali has the lowest possible rating. The ratings run from A+, A, A- through to F, the rating given to Dali.

There are also a number of complaints over the past 36 months for failure to deliver goods, resolve claims or keep contact with customers when he has issues around supply or delivery.

The story is not much better for his shipping agent, Pann Autos, also of San Diego. Whats also concerning is that according to BBB, this is also a sole proprietor business. So given that me and another member have both called in the last couple of weeks and spoken to different people, its possible the owner has a few alias'.

Should you have any reason to contact either operation, you can do so with the following information.

Dali Racing


BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business

BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has the lowest available BBB Rating of F
Reasons for this F rating include:
· Failure to respond to complaints filed against business

Business Contact & Profile

Business Name: Dali Racing
Business Address: 6391 Rancho mission Rd #5
San Diego, CA92108
Principal: Mark Johnson
Employees: 1
Fax number: (760) 761-4159
CellPhone number: 001 619 867 2409

Pann Auto


BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business

BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of C+
Reasons for this C+ rating include:
· Number of complaints filed against business that were not resolved
Business Contact & Profile

Business name: Pann Auto Performance
Business address: 7960 Ronson Road
San Diego, CA92111
Principal: Hung Doung, Owner
Employees: 1 – unless Hung changes his name frequently to Brent or to Tom!
Phone number: 001 858 278 7266

BBB records show a license number of AC198916 for this business issued by Bureau of Auto Repair.

The expiration date of this license is 3/31/2006

Tommorrow I will be emailing all this information, together with confirmation emails from Dali to confirm he has the outstanding items in stock, to the Sheriff and Cheif of San Diego.

It appears that being civil, pleasant and all the things one is taught that help the world work in harmony are wasted on these guys.

Maybe when the officials knock at thier door they may find it within themselves to send items as promised.

Thanks, and be careful one and all.

regards, Paul

Isn't it sad that in a supposedly free world there remains the need to bury information that may help others :rolleyes:

I also think its a shame that despite having been involved organising several GB's in excess of $10k of kit, it has come to this.

I dont know why MArk has a problem with communicating unless you decide to bring his actions to the attention of the law enforcement agencies.

This is the first response from Mark since before christmas

Hi Paul -

I was unaware that our good sheriff had a shipping department. You might get the box a bit faster by issuing a call tag for the shipper of your choice.


39"L X 23"W X 22"H

You have the address.

Before my previous post was moved out of the way, several Prime members were made aware of how Mark can simply decide he doesn't wish to complete a transaction.

There was also a post from ?Jon@micro? requesting I post more information/details. Thanx for the advice. I have all the information and had this thread not been moved I may well of added it. Now I shall simply keep it within the email to the Sheriff, seeing as how MArk has acknowledged that is the area within which he resides.
