Daily Drivers

3 October 2007
Silicon Valley

I came out of Togo's sandwich shop today and saw another car parked by mine on this rainy day. The picture is not very good since taken with a Blackberry camera phone. Ah, the joys of using your NSX as a daily driver.



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Wow, you guys sure don't know how to park in between the lines :wink:
Thought this was fitting :D....

Thought this was fitting :D....


haha that's awesome. I never park in any manner that could piss someone off. I just park way out where the chances of someone parking next to me is small, OR in a space where nobody can park on my right side.
Wow, you guys sure don't know how to park in between the lines :wink:

LOL :biggrin:

For what its worth if there are tons of spaces and you are in and out of the joint fast to pick up a coffee or something to go, I don't even think twice about folks that park over the line.

Now if its a busy and packed lot and you do this. Then the blood pressure goes up. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

I also have issues with people that park their H2's or Suburbans in spots that CLEARLY say compact car. Makes me want to shove my Honda Fit up their rear ends. :mad:
haha that's awesome. I never park in any manner that could piss someone off. I just park way out where the chances of someone parking next to me is small, OR in a space where nobody can park on my right side.

I try to do the same in the NSX and my Legend Coupe both but invariably, I'll come out and some nosehair has parked next to me, regardless of how far away I've parked. Now, if it's another exotic or similarly nice car I'm cool with that because I know they are trying to accomplish the same thing . However if it's some neck in a jacked-up Dodge Ram or hypermiler in a Prius, then I'm pissed.

You can always do like a friend of mine did back in the day. Had just bought a brand new Monte Carlo when they were hot shit and got whacked in the door by an drunken old man in a Coupe DeVille at the liquor store while we were STILL IN THE CAR. Major door dent, not a ding and not an backward glance or word from the old man . My boy doesn't say a word, just gets out, opens the trunk, pulls out a giant ball peen hammer and proceeds to walk around this Caddy whacking away. When the old man walks out and starts yelling, Fred just sticks the hammer in his face and goes, "Not one word, old man. Not one. That's a brand new car and you brought this on yourself". I'm sitting there partially in shock & dismay but absolutely dying laughing at the sheer audacity as is the owner of the liquor store. Fred gets back in the car and the only thing he says is, "Guess he'll be more careful from now on." Priceless...
Ah, the joys of using your NSX as a daily driver.

When I got my 'X I kept my Accord with every intention of using that as my daily driver... haha yeah right! The NSX is just way too fun to drive and LA has year-round driving weather.... So now the Accord just sits there, all sad and neglected :frown: :redface: :biggrin:
I try to do the same in the NSX and my Legend Coupe both but invariably, I'll come out and some nosehair has parked next to me, regardless of how far away I've parked. Now, if it's another exotic or similarly nice car I'm cool with that because I know they are trying to accomplish the same thing . However if it's some neck in a jacked-up Dodge Ram or hypermiler in a Prius, then I'm pissed.

You can always do like a friend of mine did back in the day. Had just bought a brand new Monte Carlo when they were hot shit and got whacked in the door by an drunken old man in a Coupe DeVille at the liquor store while we were STILL IN THE CAR. Major door dent, not a ding and not an backward glance or word from the old man . My boy doesn't say a word, just gets out, opens the trunk, pulls out a giant ball peen hammer and proceeds to walk around this Caddy whacking away. When the old man walks out and starts yelling, Fred just sticks the hammer in his face and goes, "Not one word, old man. Not one. That's a brand new car and you brought this on yourself". I'm sitting there partially in shock & dismay but absolutely dying laughing at the sheer audacity as is the owner of the liquor store. Fred gets back in the car and the only thing he says is, "Guess he'll be more careful from now on." Priceless...

Ummm.. That might be the coolest thing I've ever heard. :cool:
door ding/dent = comprehensive claim = very small/no deductible = not worth having some irate tool-bag get in my face or key my car. That said, both of those cars are obviously alot nicer than my '92 :smile:

At work, my boss and another co-worker who is also a car nut usually find my car and park next to it because they know I won't ding their cars, so it works out well since they are also fairly careful. It's pretty rare that I end up in a packed lot with skinny spaces...but if I do, I just park the best I can in a single space and deal with it.
Looks like the Togo's at the corner of Crossman and Java. Across from Kyphon.

That is the correct Togo's. The part of the lot where we parked is not usually very full -- people don't want to walk -- even just a little. I don't usually take 2 spaces, but the wind was blowing, and the pine cones were falling, so I parked half a space over.

So, as the weather has turned nice enough here in NE Wisconsin, I have been driving the NSX to work a few days a week. Which leads to a similar parking dilemma - what parking strategy is best to prevent inadvertant damage??

Similar to other owner's solutions - I park in an end spot, as far away from the other available parking spot as possible. And then I pray that some tool doesn't "create" a parking space next to me outside the lines due to the perpetual parking shortage and / or they are too lazy to walk an additional 100 feet.

Since everyone is breaking their cars out of winter storage, today I parked behind a co-workers shiny red Corvette, just for fun :smile:

Of course, what does it say about us that we don't consider the rest of the population considerate enough to not whack a door into our baby??

'04 Rio Yellow / Onyx
Since everyone is breaking their cars out of winter storage, today I parked behind a co-workers shiny red Corvette, just for fun :smile:...

Vettes are HOT, yet, your 04 looks exotic next to a vette .. that always happen to me, I see vettes, i drool, i see an NSX next to a Vette and I realize how AMAZING are our NSX's ... they look so sleek, so italian next to a vete..

what parking strategy is best to prevent inadvertant damage??

If you park in a lot that you know will fill up regardless of how far away you park (like I deal with at my work), the holy grail of parking spaces is a right-handed end spot. Meaning, there is a car on your left (drivers side) but nothing on the right.

Most likely, especially if you're at work, the person parking on your left will not have a passenger and you will therefore be immune to door dings!

Of course, this doesn't account for the cretins who are incapable of simply getting their car into a spot without scraping the cars around them... :mad:
If you park in a lot that you know will fill up regardless of how far away you park (like I deal with at my work), the holy grail of parking spaces is a right-handed end spot. Meaning, there is a car on your left (drivers side) but nothing on the right.

Most likely, especially if you're at work, the person parking on your left will not have a passenger and you will therefore be immune to door dings!

Of course, this doesn't account for the cretins who are incapable of simply getting their car into a spot without scraping the cars around them... :mad:

Unless the other driver backs in.:wink::biggrin:
Unless the other driver backs in.:wink::biggrin:

:biggrin: lol true... but the majority of everyday drivers out there don't bother making the effort. No parking situation out in public is ever going to be perfect, but it never hurts to try and put the odds in your favor :wink:
This is how I would have parked....as close to the curb as possible. This gives the parking spot to the left more than ample room to open their door. :smile:

I too try to be very careful about where I park. I will not take up two spaces but I will park in BFE to avoid any risk of door dings. The funny thing is that no matter how far out I park, someone in a Cobalt or Corrolla will park next to me. I am trying to find a picture to post that I took on my phone where I was the only car in the last 4 rows of a lot and some guy parked next to me. It is the equivalent of going to a movie and the whole theather is open and someone plops down right next to you! Classic

I just purchased a pristine 05 RL for my wife and I knew this was going to happen because she parks in a surface lot in a major down town area, but yep within three weeks of owning the car someone backs into the rear bumper and puts a nice crease in it. No note, no card, nothing. . . makes my blood boil. Makes you want to bubble wrap your cars!
I just purchased a pristine 05 RL for my wife and I knew this was going to happen because she parks in a surface lot in a major down town area, but yep within three weeks of owning the car someone backs into the rear bumper and puts a nice crease in it. No note, no card, nothing. . . makes my blood boil. Makes you want to bubble wrap your cars!

That's pretty low. :mad: Why do people act like that? The same thing happened to me a while back (Pre-NSX thankfully!) But the worst part about it was that it happened at work, so the person who did it is somewhere in the building, I probably see them every day but will never know!