cylinder coolant well cleanup?

6 October 2002
san jose, ca
hi guys,

i've got an old integra and i've taken apart the head to replace the gasket.

the coolant well in the engine block look like there's mud covering the walls due to oil and coolant mixture during the years with two overheating incidents.

what's the best way to scrub the crap out of there? it's not particularly easy to reach into the well since it's narrow. need some kind of bristle or something.

any experience/ideas?
The best way to clean the block is have a machine shop bake it. If you're not going to do that, I would probably avoid messing with the coolant passages too much if I were you, just a good flushing should do. They are not a machined surface like other parts so they will not have a smooth clean appearance anyway.

Prior to pulling the head, have you noticed your coolant was particularly dirty/discolored?
not especially. i can post a picture to better describe it.
