Customer Service these days. . . . . .Ugh.

1 June 2005
Indianapolis, IN
We just moved about 6 weeks ago. A large move but a small distance of only 2 miles away. If you have a few minutes, take a look at my experiences. On top of my drywaller, The Room Place, HHGregg, and my movers (somehow we had tire tracks on our pillows), the problems I had with these folks in the following story tell a tale of the lack of accountability and responsibility that we experience far too often.

We had AT&T U-verse at the old place. AT&T would not let us transfer service, rather they made us return the equipment to the UPS Store, and order new service all together. BTW - Keeping our phone number was not an option. That should have been a sign. The first scheduled day for install, they didn't show up. The second day scheduled, they showed up and informed me that I had "unknown credit", and they were unable to provide me service. My wife and I, at the time had 803 and 804 credit scores. So after a few days of arguing with them about this, we just put it in my wife's name. They returned to do the install, and had to basically rewire most of the cable in the home. 6 hours of labor, and then they realized we were too far from the junction box, and couldn't have U-verse service. Unbelievable.

So, in comes Comcast. They do their install, fine, whatever. They give us used equipment that is dented and scratched, and the remotes were actually sticky. I had ordered brand new plasmas for the house, and have them mounted to the wall with all of the wiring hidden. These old crusty receivers just looked horrible next to them.

We know several people who have DirecTV and love it, so we decided to make the jump. First day. . .no call no show. Second day. . . .5 hours late. Two guys showed up (I was out of town, but the wife was home) and were being ridiculous. One of them told my wife he needed $20 cash to take the satellites from the previous owner off the roof. She told him to find somewhere else to mount the new dish. He insisted that this was the only spot to mount it, and they had to be removed. When prompted to produce a receipt for the transaction, he snapped at my wife, telling her that he's licensed and blah blah blah. Later he came back in the house asking again for the cash, and she insisted it be put on the bill. Minutes later, my wife goes outside to speak with the other gentleman about this charge. She hears the first guy talking to the other installer, and they are unaware of her presence. He refers to her as a "stingy b!+ch". She calls him out and he swears that's not what he said, but she said she heard him plain as day.

They couldn't complete the install due to complications, so they said they would be back the following day. My wife calls DirecTV customer service and complains. They get back in touch with us later, and we are informed the installer who snapped at her had been fired. Apparently he was behaving the same way at another customer's residence, and they also complained. The remaining installer comes back that Saturday and can't complete the installation. He says that one of the receivers is faulty, and he will be back on Sunday (Father's Day). He shows up Sunday morning WITH HIS 5-YEAR OLD KID. The kid followed my wife around asking why she is making his Daddy work on Father's Day! He still can't complete the installation, and promptly leaves. We call him Monday and he never returns the call. Call him Tuesday and he says he can't do anything for us - we must call DirecTV customer service. I call, and a nice gentleman in tech support walks me through setting up the receiver. It was fine. NOT faulty, it just needed an override code. The tech tells me the installer was just lazy, and probably didn't want to return due to the circumstances. Three guys from DirecTV in Indianapolis show up at my door. They tell us the gentleman who brought his kid to work has been suspended for 3 days with no pay. I have no way to confirm this. Anyway, they give me $20 cash for what my wife had given that Chachi installer, and did an inspection of the installation. The lead guy gave me four phone numbers to reach him at should I ever need to contact him. Okay, good effort.

We all need our internet and phone also, so we call the bundles department. AT&T is the only company available in our area, according to the bundles department. Not U-verse, just regular AT&T. Fine, we order the modem and all that jazz. First day for activation, nothing. We call and reschedule, second day for activation, nothing. I call and the lady tells me we can get Verizon. Great, we order Verizon. 8 days go by, and the night before the activation is supposed to occur, I get an email. "There is a problem with activating your service." Upon calling I am informed that Verizon is NOT available in my area. Order is cancelled. I'm so furious that I tell the woman I had better call back when I am calmed. I call back this morning, and "Debbie" tells me that AT&T does not provide service in our area either, and we must go with Wild Blue, the satellite internet provider. In her attempt to transfer me, she cuts me off. I call back, go through the whole story again, find out that AT&T IS available in my area, order it, and have confirmation that they will turn our phone on this Friday, and internet on July 21st. Yeah right. Prove it.

If you made it to the end - congratulations. You are one of few people alive today that started something and actually had the decency to finish it. Here's to you.

DirecTV ranks right up with the airlines on worst customer service. Ive been fighting them for years.
All of that is unacceptable...Hopefully it all ends up ok in the end.

I do have to say though, I had DirecTV for 2 years with zero problems. Now I have moved and have had COX cable for 2 months but want my DirecTV back with a passion. Only problem is that I moved into an apartment facing the wrong direction for the dish. There is always something I guess.
I made it to the end of your post, that is a brutal time line of events thus far. As has already been said, simply unacceptable.

I'll cross my fingers for you that July 21st goes well.
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Dude, that sucks. I had Direct TV for many years and have nothing but great things to say about them. Remember, the installers are contracted out and may not be a direct reflection on DirectTV as a company. Just my 2 cents.
I just hread of a DirectTV promotion for $19.99 or $29.99 for 150 channels including HD, something I'm paying like $100.00 for on Comcast.

It tempts me to switch.. but is that a bad idea?
With very few exceptions, no one knows what customer service is anymore. But they know how to ask for money and bill you.

I do not like Comcast; they are a bunch of morons. I also do not like AT&T; none of these communications companies are worth a damn. I do not like the whole $XX for the first six months or 3 months, free this and that for 90 days and then if you do not remember to cancel it they begin billing you some crazy amount.

I just want someone who is honest and a straight shooter when it comes to business. I also hope those people, who run you through their stupid answering system phone-trees, all burn in Hell some day. Whatever happened to having a real person answer their line? And, what is it with some companies that every time you call them, regardless of the time of day, day of week, etc., always say they are experiencing a higher than usual call volume? Those people are just stupid. What is their usual call volume...2 calls per day?


I do not appreciate that when I insert my ATM card at Chase bank that I have to select English. Why doesn't their system recall my selections from last time? Apparently Wells Fargo's ATM is light years ahead of other ATM machines.
Customer Service is an Oxymoron...

Yes, I actually made it through your post.

I had trouble getting Verizon Fios. My neighbor has it and I signed up for it when they had a killer deal ($200 CircuitCity gift card). They call me and say that it isn't available where I live. I tell them that my next door neighbor has it. They said they will have to send a tech out and confirm this. Well about 3 weeks later they finally figure out that it IS available but the deal isn't available anymore. Okay I order anyway. I am supposed to get a DVR free for 12 months.

Two techs come out and they can't figure out which box they need to pull the fiber from. It turns out that its the one diagonally across the street and in the process they totally trample my landscaping during the install.:mad: We finally get everything working but my wifes PC keeps dropping the wireless internet connection. We call customer service and they tell us its our PC. The PC is new and was working beautifully with my own wireless router. Apparently theirs is less that ideal. Anyway I spend the next few weekends reading up on settings and configs and finally figure it out for myself through trial and error.

When I get the bill, they are charging me for a DVR at $12.99 a month. I call CS and tell them that the DVR is supposed to be free for 12 months. They say sorry and they will correct the problem. The same thing happens the next month, then the next. I call for 5 consecutive months and complain about having to pay for the "Free" DVR. Finally on the 6th month a CS guy manages to refund me for the previous 6 months. Its rediculous that I have to keep calling and calling. It takes 15 minutes just to get through to a live human.

Well the moral of the story is to stay persistant and record the names of the people you spoke to and the date you spoke to them. Its ludicrous because they never want to give their last name.

What a world we live in...
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Some time ago, DirecTV had decent installers they used for mounting the dishes and installing the hardware. They used to have a good reputation for customer service. I don't know if it's just due to growth, or someone at the top choosing higher profit margins over better service, but the installers they use now are definitely garbage for the most part.
Even though I could do it myself, it used to be I would let DirecTV come out and install the dish for me and hook up the switch. That was 5 years ago. Today, I wouldn't let them come near my house anymore. I think DirecTV customer service still tries, as evidenced by them sending out someone more competent that took care of your problem, but they are now saddled with too many contractors that don't belong anywhere near a home.
All that being said, they are still better than the alternatives out there, and if you can finally get the installation done, the service itself is well beyond Cox, TimeWarner, and Comcast in image quality.
Sorry to hear about the mess with DirecTV, but it can be worse. When I was renting some time ago, the house had COX. My girlfriend and I were watching Battlestar on Universal HD on a 65" bigscreen and she says "That's in HD? It looks terrible." Terrible was not the word. At least now your HD channels look halfway decent.
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I have to make an addition to this story.

We purchased a 2006 Lexus IS in June 2006. As of the beginning of this month it had 17,000 miles on it (the wife drives 1 mile to work). Perfect, not a scratch on it. Still smells brand new, and looks fantastic with the recent clay bar treatment from yours truly. She takes a trip up to Indy for a meeting. Coming back on 465 some idiot slams into her at a decent rate of speed. $7500 in damage to the rear of the car. We get the car to a body shop, and I call State Farm. My agent isn't in, so I speak with his assistant. I mention value depletion, and how our vehicle will now be worth less due to the accident and the Carfax blemish. She mentions the fact that she has been in insurance for 10 years and never has she heard of this. Goes on to tell me that reimbursement for a decrease in value will not happen. I call the Claims Office, and they immediately recognize what I am referring to. They tell me to send the car to Lexus upon it's completion, and have them draft a letter stating the estimate of the decrease. Forward that letter to them, and they will begin the process of making things right. Well, after 5, yes 5 times visiting the body shop, the vehicle is decent enough for delivery. I have just forwarded the letter from Tom Wood Lexus, we'll see how much BS I get from here on out. I'm expecting a sh!+ storm if it's consistent with any other event of the last 2 months.
I have to make an addition to this story.

We purchased a 2006 Lexus IS in June 2006. As of the beginning of this month it had 17,000 miles on it (the wife drives 1 mile to work). Perfect, not a scratch on it. Still smells brand new, and looks fantastic with the recent clay bar treatment from yours truly. She takes a trip up to Indy for a meeting. Coming back on 465 some idiot slams into her at a decent rate of speed. $7500 in damage to the rear of the car. We get the car to a body shop, and I call State Farm. My agent isn't in, so I speak with his assistant. I mention value depletion, and how our vehicle will now be worth less due to the accident and the Carfax blemish. She mentions the fact that she has been in insurance for 10 years and never has she heard of this. Goes on to tell me that reimbursement for a decrease in value will not happen. I call the Claims Office, and they immediately recognize what I am referring to. They tell me to send the car to Lexus upon it's completion, and have them draft a letter stating the estimate of the decrease. Forward that letter to them, and they will begin the process of making things right. Well, after 5, yes 5 times visiting the body shop, the vehicle is decent enough for delivery. I have just forwarded the letter from Tom Wood Lexus, we'll see how much BS I get from here on out. I'm expecting a sh!+ storm if it's consistent with any other event of the last 2 months.

You are referring to "diminished value". There was a class action lawsuit against State Farm about 9 years ago for this very thing. I was a part of the suit when my 2 year old 27k mile Prelude was hit by a drunk driver. The only 2 remaining panels on the car were the 2 doors. State Farm's position was that the policy only states they will repair the car. It's not their problem if the car is now worth less. Let me know how your letter thing goes. I never had to pursue it with State Farm as I found someone to pay my asking price for the Prelude soon after it was "fixed".
Yeah, I LOOOOOOOOVE how USAA charges me "exotic car rates" for my NSX, yet when I had to file a claim, they sent me to a MAACO kind of place. When I balked they said "a car is a car" and gave me $2000 for a COMPLETE repaint. After arguing it, I got it up to a whopping $2400.... Only cost me $7500 to get it done!
Some time ago, DirecTV had decent installers they used for mounting the dishes and installing the hardware. They used to have a good reputation for customer service. I don't know if it's just due to growth, or someone at the top choosing higher profit margins over better service, but the installers they use now are definitely garbage for the most part.
Even though I could do it myself, it used to be I would let DirecTV come out and install the dish for me and hook up the switch. That was 5 years ago. Today, I wouldn't let them come near my house anymore. I think DirecTV customer service still tries, as evidenced by them sending out someone more competent that took care of your problem, but they are now saddled with too many contractors that don't belong anywhere near a home.
All that being said, they are still better than the alternatives out there, and if you can finally get the installation done, the service itself is well beyond Cox, TimeWarner, and Comcast in image quality.
Sorry to hear about the mess with DirecTV, but it can be worse. When I was renting some time ago, the house had COX. My girlfriend and I were watching Battlestar on Universal HD on a 65" bigscreen and she says "That's in HD? It looks terrible." Terrible was not the word. At least now your HD channels look halfway decent.

Agreed. The DirecTV folks installed my dish about a year back. It was only about 6 months ago that I found out that they didn't bury the cable going from the satellite into the house....the simply shoved it up against the foundation of my house. When I called them to fix it, they said that they were going to charge me.

Oh, not to mention they raised their prices and completely disregarded my two referral bonuses. Oh, and I never got my American Express giftcard when I signed up.

I used to sing praises of DirecTV. However, when my contract is up, I won't be renewing.
I have to make an addition to this story.

We purchased a 2006 Lexus IS in June 2006. As of the beginning of this month it had 17,000 miles on it (the wife drives 1 mile to work). Perfect, not a scratch on it. Still smells brand new, and looks fantastic with the recent clay bar treatment from yours truly. She takes a trip up to Indy for a meeting. Coming back on 465 some idiot slams into her at a decent rate of speed. $7500 in damage to the rear of the car. We get the car to a body shop, and I call State Farm. My agent isn't in, so I speak with his assistant. I mention value depletion, and how our vehicle will now be worth less due to the accident and the Carfax blemish. She mentions the fact that she has been in insurance for 10 years and never has she heard of this. Goes on to tell me that reimbursement for a decrease in value will not happen. I call the Claims Office, and they immediately recognize what I am referring to. They tell me to send the car to Lexus upon it's completion, and have them draft a letter stating the estimate of the decrease. Forward that letter to them, and they will begin the process of making things right. Well, after 5, yes 5 times visiting the body shop, the vehicle is decent enough for delivery. I have just forwarded the letter from Tom Wood Lexus, we'll see how much BS I get from here on out. I'm expecting a sh!+ storm if it's consistent with any other event of the last 2 months.

I did the same thing when I got rear ended in my G35 Coupe. I had the dealership write a letter stating the diminished value of the vehicle and Farmer's insurance sent me a check for it. Wasn't too bad.
I did the same thing when I got rear ended in my G35 Coupe. I had the dealership write a letter stating the diminished value of the vehicle and Farmer's insurance sent me a check for it. Wasn't too bad.

Well, they haven't called back in the time frame they promised. I will be calling them shortly. :mad:

Oh well. The car is going away once we get everything worked out. Just can't even look at it anymore.
Sounds pretty much like what I deal with everyday.

Someone told me one time and it makes perfect sense. I get paid to manage the idiot gene pool. He's right it's exactly what I get paid for.
Well it didn't work out too bad after all. Talked with the representative for about 15 minutes. Some minor banter back and forth, and they're sending a check for $4,926; a decent 17.5% hit on the retail NADA Value of $28,150. I'm surprised they use retail value to be honest. I can't believe it. Something went our way. Wtf is going on here, this can't be right.
Well it didn't work out too bad after all. Talked with the representative for about 15 minutes. Some minor banter back and forth, and they're sending a check for $4,926; a decent 17.5% hit on the retail NADA Value of $28,150. I'm surprised they use retail value to be honest. I can't believe it. Something went our way. Wtf is going on here, this can't be right.

I love a happy ending! :) Congrats