Custom Avatars...

24 January 2002
Republic of Texas
I understand to be able to use you own custom avatar you can creat one of certain size and e-mail it to Lud. What I don't understand is why it has to be in GIF format; since GIF have worst graphic quality then JPEG and seemingly takes up more space the JPEG... ie can I send in my avatar in JPEG format rather then GIF, Lud?
Originally posted by Zuerst:
What I don't understand is why it has to be in GIF format; since GIF have worst graphic quality then JPEG and seemingly takes up more space the JPEG...

The reason that jpg takes less space is that the format allows for a different type of compression - and a corresponding loss of image quality. GIF compression is done without loss of image quality Therefore, it is not true to make a blanket statement that a gif has "worst graphic quality". Also, and more importantly, I believe that ubb only allows for gif format avatars.

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

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sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Originally posted by lemansnsx:
The reason that jpg takes less space is that the format allows for a different type of compression - and a corresponding loss of image quality. GIF compression is done without loss of image quality Therefore, it is not true to make a blanket statement that a gif has "worst graphic quality". Also, and more importantly, I believe that ubb only allows for gif format avatars.

Weird, I saved a .bmp file as .gif and as .jpg and compare the two and the .jpg look better...
Originally posted by Zuerst:
Weird, I saved a .bmp file as .gif and as .jpg and compare the two and the .jpg look better...

Hmm.. You were probably using Photoshop right? Or some high tech graphic program. Cause Photoshop have many features, during the save mode, you can pick the quality of the picture from a scale of 1 to 10. So if you chose a quality of 5 for your gif, and a quality of 10 for your jpg, the jpg will look better. =)

[This message has been edited by Si (edited 09 May 2002).]
The reason is simply that the software requires GIF format for avatars.