custom avatar

4 March 2008
Port Stanley, Ontario
Can anyone tell me how to get a custom avatar placed on my signature? I have a pic that is much too large but if I use photosuite to shrink it it becomes all blurry. I have been on other sites that allow me to send in full size pic and then it automatically resizes it. I don't have photoshop shopware.

if you don't have any software...

Here's a simple way to get a resized image:

  • goto
  • click <i>browse...</i>
  • pick your image
  • check <i>resize image</i>
  • pick <i>150x122 (thumbnail)</i>
  • click <i>host it</i>
  • copy the URL next to <i>Direct link to image</i>

You have the URL to your resized image. Now update your avatar...
  • go Control Panel > Edit Avatar
  • paste URL into <i>Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website</i>
  • click <i>Save Changes</i>
I've been meaning to make a custom avatar with this most special photo:


Think you can help, Oja?:wink:
I've been meaning to make a custom avatar with this most special photo:

Think you can help, Oja?

Hello Shawn. Of course, I'd only be too happy to help out an old friend! Before I get started, perhaps you'd entertain a humble suggestion...

Since an avatar is generally considered a photographic representation of the person behind the screen name, it only seems appropriate to use a photo of your car. May I suggest this one?


I have tried it several times but it keeps telling me that the remote file is too large. I resized it thumbnail as you said but have no idea why it is still too large.

email your picture to me.
i used imageshack to resize my picture, but when i try to edit avitar, it says file is still too big. help!?

You can email it to me if you want.