CTSC noise

8 June 2012
Shawnee Ks
Yesterday...I was driving home and I noticed a weird rattling sound coming from the rear...almost sounded like something was dangling from the rear undercarriage. Kind of a kadink..kadink sound...not consistant...but noticeable. My car was runnning fine other that that. I decided to baby it home..I had only about 5 miles to go. Then after a short time it stopped...maybe 1/2 mile.

I got home raised my engine compartment to have a listen..I have never done this before..and it seems as though the SC makes a bit of mecahanical noise. Almost like there is marbles spinning around inside.

My question since I din't have a baseline...does the CTSC make a lttle mechanical noise..or do I have something to worry about?

Any thoughts?
Thanks for the response !!

There is no play what so ever.

Should I drive it to my local tech or have it towed? It is about 10 miles.
Thanks for the response !!

There is no play what so ever.

Should I drive it to my local tech or have it towed? It is about 10 miles.
Well since I don't know the exact sound or how loud it is.
I'd not recommend driving it as there might be bearing damage (when was your last oil change of the unit?)
Unlikely but could happen, lobe damage (foreign debris?)

You don't want to aggravate any damage possibly there or the risk anything getting into the engine. (although not likely)
So I'd recommend having it towed.
Is it possible to unhook the belt and start the engine? That should rule out SC issues. Also may check the SC tensioner pulley bearing.
When my bearing went on my SC there was no play at all but at idle it was making noise. Once you got up in rpms it would go away. it was a clunking noise. If it sounds different then it normally does i would have someone look at it. I will say if you need a rebuild DONT use PSE superchargers. They tried to scam me and there are other stories of ED who owns the company trying to rip others off
Yesterday...I was driving home and I noticed a weird rattling sound coming from the rear...almost sounded like something was dangling from the rear undercarriage. Kind of a kadink..kadink sound...not consistant...but noticeable. My car was runnning fine other that that. I decided to baby it home..I had only about 5 miles to go. Then after a short time it stopped...maybe 1/2 mile.

I got home raised my engine compartment to have a listen..I have never done this before..and it seems as though the SC makes a bit of mecahanical noise. Almost like there is marbles spinning around inside.

My question since I din't have a baseline...does the CTSC make a lttle mechanical noise..or do I have something to worry about?

Any thoughts?

How long have you had your CTSC?
The CTSC has been on the car about 20k. I listened again....it is just more of a low pitched gravelly noise. It wouldn't bother me...but when I heard the tink tink when driving...it just alarmed me.

I am going to find a way to get a tech to listen..just not sure if I will have it towed or drive it. It is prolly nothing but me being the anal idiot about my car that I am.
I have the old Whipple 1.6 as well and I get the "marble gurgling" noise at idle but I don't get the "tink tink tink" noise you speak of. Their is a faint "tick tick tick" noise kinda like a sewing machine but that the valves which is normal.

Try the easist things first. Change the supercharger oil (10W40) and check the belt.
The "marble/gravel" noise at idle is very common on the older Whipples and has been dismissed as "normal".

I have put 30,000 miles on my CTSC and it has been making the noise for 15,000 of them. I don't like it either and will look forward to a rebuild/refresh if I find someone I trust to do it.

tink tink...like when the cats are cooling down?

actually, my BBKs sound the same when they're cooling down too
Yeah I'm also wondering if the tink tink noise is even related to your SC. Is it possible the gravely SC noise has always been there but you did'nt really notice until the other noise occured and then you really started listening?
Yeah I'm also wondering if the tink tink noise is even related to your SC. Is it possible the gravely SC noise has always been there but you did'nt really notice until the other noise occured and then you really started listening?

That's what I'm thinking David. As others have chimed in..I think the SC noise is normal.

I was going to take it for a short drive this afternoon..but it started sprinkling..so I postponed it.

I may jack it up and crawl under it..just to take a peep.

BTW how do you check the oil on the SC? Is it the large allen bolt on top of the SC... on the right side of my avatar?(if so that bolt is extemely tight) When I bought the car a couple of months ago..I had a ton of maintenance items done...including change the SC oil.
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The marbles are normal. Mine made the sound too, like a grinding sound. You will notice you only hear it at idle usually. Driving you don't hear it rattle. Sounds scary, but it's normal. I didn't like it so I bought a turbo..... A new world of issues lol
That's what I'm thinking David. As others have chimed in..I think the SC noise is normal.

I was going to take it for a short drive this afternoon..but it started sprinkling..so I postponed it.

I may jack it up and crawl under it..just to take a peep.

BTW how do you check the oil on the SC? Is it the large allen bolt on top of the SC... on the right side of my avatar?(if so that bolt is extemely tight) When I bought the car a couple of months ago..I had a ton of maintenance items done...including change the SC oil.
Yes, that is how you check oil. Just get right Allen head sock pet and remove. Then check just like a dipstick. Different oil viscosity has proven to reduce noise depending on your areas average temps.
The CTSC has been on the car about 20k. I listened again....it is just more of a low pitched gravelly noise. It wouldn't bother me...but when I heard the tink tink when driving...it just alarmed me.

I am going to find a way to get a tech to listen..just not sure if I will have it towed or drive it. It is prolly nothing but me being the anal idiot about my car that I am.
We're in the age of internet, handy with video function and forums: what about a simple video of the noise? :wink:
Here is a link to a youtube video. I am not sure how to post the actual video.


The older Whipple SC uses a gear driven system located inside the snout of the blower were the oil reservoir is. What you are most likely hearing is gear lash from the blower. However if the sound is present on idle but not any other time then you have the "normal" sounds of the older Whipple CTSC. If the sound is there either all the time or only when the engine is either accelerating or decelerating then it is something different.

The noise only on idle is the most common and what most consider normal with the older Whipple CTSC, the blower uses straight cut gears and with time the amount of lash between the gears increases as they wear. The gears are not adjustable.

What is happening is every time a spark plug is fired the engine accelerates and every time the piston compresses the air and fuel the engine decelerates. These events cause the blower to speed up then slow down, this causes the gears in the blower to lash from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the gear making the noise. If you change to a light weight flywheel and clutch assembly the noise will increase and will be heard over a slightly larger RPM range. You can try different weight oils or additives to the oil to try and decrease the sound but making sure the oil level is full is a good place to start. Depending on the engine management you are using you can try and raise your idle. The higher your idle the less the effect of each ignition event will have on the blower gears and it will quiet or eliminate the noise. My car had little to no noise if the idle was set to 900-950 RPM, anything under that or when a load was added to the car (turn on the AC) at idle the noise would be there.

If the noise is there all the time you have an issue with the blower or an idler pulley, the idler pulleys are mounted on the front mounting plate and is used to route the belt from the blower to the crank. The noise from these can come and go but they are usually a higher pitch and can be heard from under the engine hatch and are easy to tell as the noise is away from the blower itself. You can do a search here on Prime there are many threads with locations and part numbers to buy the idlers.

If the noise is in the blower, it is most likely a bearing internal to the blower and cannot be serviced with out the proper tools and knowledge of how to disassemble the blower itself. You can remove the blower from the intake and ship it out for rebuild or repair if you do not have a blower shop in your area.

Most of the info here is common to twin screw blowers and will apply to other brands, but a lot of manufacturers have gone to helical cut gears to reduce or eliminate the gear lash sounds. I do not believe the Whipple design allows for a change in gear design but it may be worth asking if you having one rebuilt. Helical gears generate more heat and have more parasitic loss. They also can cause end play issues if the shafts being driven by the gears are not designed to used with helical gear sets.

I think the noise coming from the SC is normal after hearing everything people have said. I have checked the oil in the SC and it is clean and full.

I got a case of rabbit ears when I heard a tink tink coming from behind me. I have now driven about 15 miles and the car is performing fine. So I am not sure what I heard to begin with that alarmed me. But maybe a road hazard I ran over and didn't notice.

Thanks to all that responded
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When my bearing went on my SC there was no play at all but at idle it was making noise. Once you got up in rpms it would go away. it was a clunking noise. If it sounds different then it normally does i would have someone look at it. I will say if you need a rebuild DONT use PSE superchargers. They tried to scam me and there are other stories of ED who owns the company trying to rip others off
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