CTSC & Freezing temps


Contributing Member
14 October 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Need some advice .. All- Quick question. I have a CTSC (autorotor) normal low boost pulley 8psi and am considering a track day next week where it will be 0 degrees C (freezing), I have not had any issues with driving in the cold before but am worried with this one being on fuji speedway (high altitude + very cold + high RPM) any advice or experience? I have the standard comptech setup (no after market ECU only the CT ACM). fuel is 98 octane here.

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I do not use a CTSC, but rather a one off centrifugal SC system. I have run my car at 19 degrees F and there were no issues related to the engine or the SC system. The major problem is with tire temps never coming up high enough to get enough grip. Go out slower then normal and wait patiently for the tire temps to come up to whatever is possible and feel your way to the car's limits of adhesion. Many cars in your class will likely slide or spin so be watchful of others, especially those putting themselves inside of you in a corner.

Have a great time.

Generally speaking, the colder the weather, the more efficient Forced Induced systems run. Reason being is that the intake charge is significantly cooler, thus there is less prone for detonation.

On my previous 3 turbo charged vehicles, they always ran better (stronger and more safe) in the cold weather vs warm weather. However, this is my first time having a supercharged vechile (CTSC NSX).

I would say that your biggest concern is just making sure that let your engine warm up properly. You will want to make sure that all of your fluids are up to temp. That and what the previous poster said about getting your tires up to temp as well. That will definitely be the hard part.

Let us know.
From: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66855:
General concerns - 6psi w/ stock ECU:
  • Detonation at high rpm, cold starts and cold weather - It appears that *some* members with the Autorotor experienced detonation at high rpm (7,500), cold temperatures and when the engine is also cold. However, with Comptech's replacement of EMS to ACM, all these issues went away once the car was "warmed up". Unfortunately, there is no good definition of when the engine is "warm" - Mike (dynomike - Autowaveinc.com) suggests that the intake charge needs to be hot enough for the stock ECU to retard timing. Of course, you should run the highest available unleaded Octane gas 91+ that you can get your hands on. To prevent detonation on the track it is recommened to run a mixture of unleaded race gas and keep cooling at a maximum. Will there be issues with really cold starts of the engine, i.e. - below freezing? Is there any amount of "tunability" with the upgrade from EMS to ACM with the stock ECU?
I dont have any personal experience with detonation in cold temps, mainly because I have refused to get on the gas when it has been that cold; I believe that even with the comptech fix, that there is still an issue. I wouldnt go out unless you can put 94 or higher octane in there and even then I would make sure that the engine is really hot before I got on it.

The guys in CA still detonate after the fix in warmer temps then that when the gas drops to 91.
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All - thanks for your replies. I got a mail from Shad who did the install on my car and I have the updated ACM already so with the 98 octane fuel and this It will be ok.

Thanks for input,

Happy new year!