CT Ride this weekend? 10/25-26

19 December 2004
Glastonbury, CT
Feeling I need to get out this weekend if the weather looks good? Looking to meet up at a diner somewhere for breakfast or something. Any interest? PM Me.

...I mean it's that or rake leaves. Seriously...
I'd go if its ok, I don't exactly own an NSX..yet.
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Im FREE this weekend, so I will drive wherever its happening. Just post times and meetup location
The Black Horse Garage seems like a descent plan. I'm in Wallingford CT which is where 91 and 15 intersect. Depending on where people are coming from we could meet somewhere and head down. Looks like it opens at 10am. We could hit a Dunkin Donuts on the way or a diner (or not).

Right now however I'm seeing rain in the forecast. I would be bowing out if its raining.

I was going to ask about the probability of making out of Bridgeport with our cars but the other post suggest we are safe. Since this appears to be moving toward Black Horse lets migrate over to that post.