Csaba Csere on the NSX


Experienced Member
15 August 2000
Bellingham, WA

Is there somewhere on prime that we can archive videos like this? Far too often I've seen the original news article containing such videos eventually get deleted and/or the owner of the youtube video removes the video.
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Cool Video - thanks for posting.

Is there somewhere on prime that we can archive videos like this? Far too often I've seen the original news article containing such videos eventually get deleted and/or the owner of the youtube video removes the video.
Cool video.

Don't let even "experienced" auto journalists drive your NSX!


Exactly....sounds like some of these guys really have no clue how drive... You don't jump in a car you've never driven and an hour later start throwing it around.....two drives, two crashes??? Wtf????
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing the video. I also got my NSX a bit tail happy when I lifted to abruptly in turn 11 at PIR in Portland. I did not crash it or even spin it out but I could tell what was going on. It only took me one time to realize that this car is more capable than I am as a driver. I needed to stay with it and I have had no problem since. What a great car we all own!!
Better yet, download and install this browser plug-in which allows you to save your favorite web videos to your hard drive. http://www.flashvideodownloader.org/

I know how to download youtube videos. The problem is I don't fully trust my ability to provide a long term back up that will still be available 20 years from now. And if I did manage to backup such videos long term, this wouldn't allow other NSX owners to easily access them.

Do you remember Google Video? It was Google's attempt to compete with Youtube prior to Google giving up and outright purchasing YouTube. Several years back Google discontinued this service and every video I had a link to on that service simply vanished overnight! Only an NSX dedicated site is likely to truly preserve such videos over the long term.
Cool video. I'm surprised that they have such a high opinion of the NSX considering they crashed two of them.
Cool video. I'm surprised that they have such a high opinion of the NSX considering they crashed two of them.

That's what I was thinking too. Csere definitely blamed the drivers though and commended the balance of the NSX instead.
It's something Billy has said repeatedly: the NSX responds to inputs. Lift when you need rear traction and you have a problem. It's scary to be going too fast mid-corner and nonetheless resist the urge to lift, but that's a pretty fundamental aspect of car control.
Wow. Thanks for the post. Csaba is one of my automotive journalism heroes. I read everything he wrote in Car and Driver from his days as contributing editor until his departure as Editor in Chief. I remember those NSX articles well.

So what's the deal with this video. It sounds like the video was made specifically for an audience already very familiar with the NSX. And why did Dave Vanderwerp ask Csaba to do the video? Does Dave have something to do with the NSX? (I know he reviewed the early NSX for the "Most Fun for $25,000" article.) Or was this perhaps in support of one of Dave's web-based journalism gigs?
So what's the deal with this video. It sounds like the video was made specifically for an audience already very familiar with the NSX. And why did Dave Vanderwerp ask Csaba to do the video? Does Dave have something to do with the NSX? (I know he reviewed the early NSX for the "Most Fun for $25,000" article.) Or was this perhaps in support of one of Dave's web-based journalism gigs?

Dave of course works at C&D, and is an NSX enthusiast / owner / all around cool guy.

I think the idea behind this video was to show it at NSXPO 2014, so yes......an audience very familiar with the car ;^D

The video was to be played at Hocking hills during lunch on the drive. Sadly it was one of the things they messed up on there. The response I received from the folks there was:

"Sorry we forgot"

Then they proceeded to bill me for a TV anyway.. Needless to say that was not paid for.
Nice. I wonder if he's secretly a member here. Can anyone confirm and/or start an outing fest of the supposed well-known celebrity types on Prime? J/k. Or just PM me and I'll keep it on the down low, especially if you're Csaba, Bobby Rahal (I use one of your dealerships for service BTW), Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, or Kate Beckinsdale. Not really sure whether Kate's a fan, I just don't want to miss a chance to hear from her. She can drive mine.
Dave of course works at C&D, and is an NSX enthusiast / owner / all around cool guy.

I think the idea behind this video was to show it at NSXPO 2014, so yes......an audience very familiar with the car ;^D


Cool beans. Thanks for the info.
Hi Guys, Dave VW here. I asked Csaba to do that video specifically for NSXPO2014; I thought it was a nice tie-in, since the second comparison test/crash he mentions happened on the same Hocking Hills-area roads that the NSXPO crew was driving.

I really enjoyed working for Csaba at C/D; he's a wildly smart and knowledgeable guy. I left the fun-but-low-paying world of auto journalism a few years back and am now working at GM. And the upside is that I could finally afford an NSX!
Hi Guys, Dave VW here. I asked Csaba to do that video specifically for NSXPO2014; I thought it was a nice tie-in, since the second comparison test/crash he mentions happened on the same Hocking Hills-area roads that the NSXPO crew was driving.

I really enjoyed working for Csaba at C/D; he's a wildly smart and knowledgeable guy. I left the fun-but-low-paying world of auto journalism a few years back and am now working at GM. And the upside is that I could finally afford an NSX!

Thanks for asking Csaba - I enjoyed the video. Too bad we didn't get as much Hocking Hill's time as many of us would have liked due to weather. We did have some really fun laps and if I ever get the footage from the second camera, I should put together the video footage we have from the runs (we used 2 gopros for maximum fun!).
hah! You have convinced me not to make the video - yours is so much better than mine will be! How did you record the engine noise?
Thanks - but I'm a newbie when it comes to shooting video. As for the engine sound, I didn't do anything fancy, like stitch together separate audio and video feeds. Whatever sound is there is just what the GoPro (with sealed back on the case) picked up. Obviously some mounting locations were better than others.