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    Caveat Emptor!

Cris/cna2 Not a good seller at all.

24 March 2007
Soooo Another deal issue with Cris/cna2:

Cris has decided to attack me as if I has done something wrong so I decided to post our little story. I DO NOT like negative itrader feedback and those who know me know how I run my businesses. My feedback speaks for itself here on prime and I take pride in that. I am attaching all of our texts just to show the true story.

I arrived at a deal with Cris on the wheels he was selling on July 15th. I immediatly paid him via paypal $2987.00 for the wheels. Here is his for sale thread:


Notice two important things in that thread. " wheels will be refinished in the buyers choice of color. ( didn't mention powdercoating or painting but later he says he paid extra to have them powdercoated like he did me a favor? ) And also " the tires are like new and have 95% tread left". Per Toyo's website they are new at 10/32nds. The tires I received are at 4/32nds inside wear bar.

Per our conversation that day he was dismounting the wheels and shipping them out to get refinished. Said that would take 3-4 days. 1 more day to rebuild wheels mount tires and they would ship. I was to have them in 1.5 weeks.

On the 17th of July I sent Cris a email asking if he had received the money. ( I never got a confirmation so I was making sure ). 2 days later on the 19th he responded and said they had been sent for refinish that afternoon. On July 22nd i sent him an email simply to get an update on the status. ( 1 week in)
On the 23rd he emailed and said the lips were in powdercoat " right now" ( thought they were on the 19th) and he should have them back the following monday, Tuesday latest. Then rebuilt and shipped immediatly. We then on the 23rd discuss what he is paying for shipping etc... Nothing relavent. Keep in mind the wheels are suppose to be here in two days to keep the 1.5 week promise.

Tried to call Cris several times on the 27th,29th, 1st, 2nd no call backs. Last email i got was that they were shipping monday "Guaranteed". FINALLY on the 4th at 1108AM I get a text from Chris Saying he was " without a phone waiting on a replacement phone". BUT the wheels had shipped and I would receive them " in a few days" .By this point I was very upset because it had been 19 days and was promised 10. I had a stock car going to custom car events. " ( wasn't going to lower it or do anything to it until these wheels got here. They were the centerpiece for the build).
I had sent a dispute to paypal on the 4th stating that I had not recieved the goods. AND that I had not heard from the seller in 11 days. This was all before he texted me at 11 am. I asked for a tracking number. His response was sorry if I wanted my money back all I had to do was ask. And that when he got to his office he would send me the tracking info. Did I get tracking info? NOPE I got this email

I just confirmed with Cor that the wheels have NOT shipped yet. Strasse forged actually has 2 of the centers on which carbon needed to get re-cleared due to some minor chip. Those guys are very picky and I told them I wanted the wheels perfect. They also installed brand new hardware for me. The clear on the carbon fiber was applied today and they will be ready tomorrow afternoon. I was told that they were shipping out yesterday, but they didn't since Strasse wanted to get the clear perfect. Im sure you don't mind as this is all done at no extra charge to you. It cost me over $500 to get these wheels done with the powder, unbuilt, rebuild, sealing, etc. In the end your practically getting NEW wheels. I was promised they will ship no later than Monday guaranteed.

My response:

I knew they hadnt... I would like a refund. Not dealing with waiting again for another week only to have no wheels AGAIN... So I look forward to you refunding the money asap so I can buy some wheels I may actually get.

Then he says:

I would respectfully ask you to give me until Monday to get these out. They are already finished in a color of your choice and I wouldn't be able to offer free refinish on the lips again as that would run me another $400++. If they do not ship out Monday I will issue the refund no questions asked.

I say, Gladly but I would like a tracking number Monday so I can verify they are on the way.

He says:
Thank you I appreciate your understanding and cooperation!

On 8-8 I send him a text and say " get them shipped yet?"

He says on the way there now! Will have pics in a few! a couple hours later he sends me pics of the centers of the wheels?? OK? I said so they are going to be shipped and built sealed and balanced all today? He says " thats why I am here harrassing them! When the owner gets back I will let him know I need them done today! " REALLY???? just NOW? you need them done? This is 3 weeks and a few days in.. I am very annoyed now. He had said the wheels were powdercoated now 3 weeks ago on the 17th. I ask him to send me a pic of the wheels powdercoated. ( I already had a feeling they were JUST NOW being done). Sure enough. He sends me a pic of the wheels in powdercoat saying they didnt powedercoat where the the tires where and he wanted that done.... :rolleyes:SURE BUDDY....
I said at that point, I want a refund. I was not sitting around another week with empty promises. He says" WHAT??? THEY ARE DONE" Cris... No they aren't! They are just now being powdercoated. Its a bit obvious!. I ask for a refnd again... None given.. But back on the 4th all I had to do was ask for it right??

He says on the 8th still he is calling the shipping company to pick them up tomorrow... The 9th. I say No thanks.. Tomorrow there will be another excuse. And I am not dealing with it. He then says the wheels have sat for a week waiting on powdercoating because of Sema and that Strasse Forged wanted new clear on the wheels??... As long as nothing is your fault bud.. Keep making excuses. No more texts... On the 9th I send him a nother request for a refund. He says. " Im on my way to pick up your built wheels". I say So does that mean I am not getting the refund I asked for? You can read the back and forth over that in the pics of the texts if you wish. But he sent me a pic of the wheels. Built that evening. I said? so is the shipping company still getting them out today? He says no honestly probably not. I say... Last shot man. I need those wheels by thursday,Friday. If they are not here I Want a refund. He says.... " thats more than fair! I wont dissapoint you!!":eek: ( all this still on the 9th. ) Not another word from Cris. I texted him on the 10th at 830pm and ask if they were shipped. No reply. 2 hours later again asking if they got shipped.. No reply. 8-11 4pm I text again. Called twice that day. No luck. No reply. 8-12 I ask for a refund again. It had been 3 days.. No reply. I excalate the dispute on paypal to a claim. I call him and HE ANSWERS! Says his iphone was stolen:rolleyes: He sends me a text an hour later Says they shipped and gives me a tracking number. I check and sure enough! They actually did ship!

I get the wheels on the 16th about 5pm. Man they are beautiful! But damn...Those dont look like 95% new tires to me? So after everything I get some wore tires.

Completely bad experience. Had he simply communicated saying "Hey man. Things are busy at my wheel place and they will be a few weeks none of this would have ever happened. But the " they shipped" but didnt and all this is just to much to deal with. So he as you can see below in his feedback to me says I am unreasonable. I think I was more than reasonable. Gave him several chances. And I finally got some nice wheels. For some reason Cris thinks that since I paid less for his used wheels than he did for them new that I am ungrateful? Not sure.. But I paid for refinished black wheels with 95% new tires and within 1.5 weeks. I got 50% worn rear tires with a partial refinish on the wheels( back side not being done) in 4+ weeks. I sent a message to Cris requesting some compensation for the difference in tires... No reply. I also sent the same request to paypal. I am awaiting their decision on that. I am sending them a pic of the tires when I get back to the car tomorrow.

itrader feedback I left for him:

itrader feeback he left me here:

Prime can make their own decisions.. But I see a few others have had similar issues lately with Cris... Buyer Beware!


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If you had a problem with what I sent you then you should have sent them back. Instead you installed in your car immediately and started enjoying them with no complaints. I spoke to paypal several times and they stated that they have requested for you to return the items to the seller. Where are the wheels??? Have you sent them back?? Of course you haven’t and of course you won’t, because you’re beyond happy for the bargain you got!! Now that you try to take advantage of the situation and get $200 refunded for "worn tires" that’s a different story. And FYI I never offered painted inner barrels so i dont see how you have the nerve to complain that the inner barrels were not painted!! On top of the fact that i did powder for you at no extra charge you actually have the nerve to complain??? Are you paying to get the inner's custom painted??? Are you even paying for the finish?? No you're not!! You get custom 3 piece wheels with real carbon overlay, Lips powder coated in your color of choice, with $1K Toyo T1R's with TONS of meet on them, everything mounted and balanced ready to install and all for under 3K, and you complain???? LOL. I am attaching pictures of the wheels with tires mounted so everyone can see the "BALD" tires you received. PATHETIC!! Find something better to do with your time, move on, and thank me later!!:wink: You accomplish absolutely nothing with these posts besides making yourself look ridiculous, word of advice save it. And yes buyers "BEWARE" because I’m out to screw you over LOL :rolleyes:

Oh Cris... You do nothing but talk... I however state fact and prove it. Take a look :smile:

If you had a problem with what I sent you then you should have sent them back. Instead you installed in your car immediately and started enjoying them with no complaints.

I waited a month for the wheels. Of couorse I installed them. And no complaints?? I immediately texted you with the depth of the tread when I opened the boxes and you never replied. Only time I heard from you is when I asked paypal to take a look. Then you sent me messages back... Typical? Yes.

I spoke to paypal several times and they stated that they have requested for you to return the items to the seller. Where are the wheels??? Have you sent them back?? Of course you haven’t and of course you won’t, because you’re beyond happy for the bargain you got!!

I have also spoken to paypal, I requested that i was reimbursed for the difference in percentage of the tires I recieved and what you sold me. They then reopened the case and decided it in my favor. YOU didnt decide that. PAYPAL did. They requested I ship the wheels back. Guess what, I will not spend $200.00 to ship them back to you. I requested $270.00 back from you for the difference in tread so I can buy tires. That difference is not worth it to me. The FACT is they see the differences in what you sold and what I received and said.. Your right. Send them back. Its my choice whether I do it or not. And yes I love the wheels, Never said I did not. BUT The tires still are not what you described in your for sale thread. That is Fact and attached here are the pics to prove that FACT.

Now that you try to take advantage of the situation and get $200 refunded for "worn tires" that’s a different story. And FYI I never offered painted inner barrels so i dont see how you have the nerve to complain that the inner barrels were not painted!! On top of the fact that i did powder for you at no extra charge you actually have the nerve to complain??? Are you paying to get the inner's custom painted???

Again, That was your choice to " powdercoat instead of paint" I was never talked to about this. And yes, I must have assumed the inners would have been done also. Thats how My company would do them. I apologize for assuming.

Are you even paying for the finish?? No you're not!!

Yes, I did. I paid you 2987.00 for those wheels refinished in the color of my choice. That is what your for sale ad stated. So YES I DID pay for it.

You get custom 3 piece wheels with real carbon overlay, Lips powder coated in your color of choice, with $1K Toyo T1R's with TONS of meet on them, everything mounted and balanced ready to install and all for under 3K, and you complain???? LOL.

Yes, I am. Because you sold me those wheels with 95% tread depth tires. I did not receive that. Why wouldnt I complain? The pics will prove your " tons of meet( Meat you mean?) theory

I am attaching pictures of the wheels with tires mounted so everyone can see the "BALD" tires you received.

I did not say they were bald. Be a grown up and stop putting words in my mouth.

PATHETIC!! Find something better to do with your time, move on, and thank me later!! You accomplish absolutely nothing with these posts besides making yourself look ridiculous, word of advice save it. And yes buyers "BEWARE" because I’m out to screw you over LOL

Yes, Buyer beware you are correct. And Again.. I never said you were trying to screw me over. Just posting facts about a deal gone wrong. Telling other members who they would be dealing with if they bought from you. Just like the other thread here describing bad experiences with you.

Folks, As you can plainly see from the pics the tires are a slow as 1/32nds on the very inside edge. and 4/32nds in the center.

That is fact.:smile:


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Shipping is NOT $200 more like $130. And I'll pay for the shipping so don't worry about that. I have 2 local NSX's who want to pay me $3,500 with w.e tires or even without tires.... So send them back and stop complaining so much. I've made it very easy for you. Return shipping is on me!
Surprisingly enough, Brian has nothing to say anymore... I rest my case. Anyone who has any issues or complaints feel free to contact me so they can be resolved or your money can be reimbursed. Everyone who I’ve sold parts to has received their parts or received a refund upon request. The other complaint here on this section was for a buyer who requested a refund for the used H&R springs he purchased from me. At his request a refund was issued immediately. Nobody is owed any money or has any non receipt of their products. I just need to make sure that anyone reading this understands and is fully aware of where everything stands. NOBODY IS OWED ABSOLUTELY ANY MONEY AND EVERYONE WHO PURCHASED ANYTHING FROM ME HAS RECEIVED THEIR PARTS.
Just to update this. I decided not to send the wheels back to this guy. He SAYS shipping is on him however I can only see how funny it would be trying to get that money from him... The amount requested from paypal was $270.00. That was for the difference in tread on the tires. He refused to refund it. ( shocker):eek:

You can see from the facts I posted he said tires were at 95% and they obvioulsy were not. So he got me on the tires. Dispite what he keeps saying I am happy with the wheels and never did I say otherwise.

I will chalk this up to dealing with a dishonest person and move on. The last thing I want to do is send him the wheels back expecting I will get my shipping money back... I think we all know that would never happen..
Just to update this. I decided not to send the wheels back to this guy. He SAYS shipping is on him however I can only see how funny it would be trying to get that money from him... The amount requested from paypal was $270.00. That was for the difference in tread on the tires. He refused to refund it. ( shocker):eek:

I will schedule pickup and pay shipping under my account so i really don't see how u would need to wait for any shipping refund when you wouldn't be paying anything to begin with?? :confused:

You can see from the facts I posted he said tires were at 95% and they obvioulsy were not. So he got me on the tires. Dispite what he keeps saying I am happy with the wheels and never did I say otherwise.

You're happy with the wheels and with the tires, not only that you're also happy i ignored your false accusation so i can refund you because apparently i was "lying" and you were never going to receive any wheels from me!!:rolleyes:

I will chalk this up to dealing with a dishonest person and move on. The last thing I want to do is send him the wheels back expecting I will get my shipping money back... I think we all know that would never happen..

I guess we all think that, just like "we" all think or thought you would never receive your wheels.... hilarious!!:biggrin: You're not chalking anything up, so save it!! Your simply happy with what you received like you've stated numerous times, and are also glad you listened to me when i told you to wait and to stop accusing me of being a fraud simply because some guy here on the forum requested a refund for the used springs he purchased from me and posted a ton of BS about how i apparently ripped him off lol!! Nothing to worry about Brian, like stated earlier i will have my shipper pickup the wheels from your shop under my account this way you don't get ripped off like the first time when you "never received the wheels".

And these past 2-3 weeks you've been rolling on the wheels... well lets just say thats on me:biggrin:

Word of advise.... just quit already and stop trying to look for BS reasons to say im dishonest or anything else you can think of just to justify your argument. Its done, you're NOT going to send the wheels back and not because of the BS that you "think" i wont refund your shipping fees, but because your more than happy with the purchase you made from me.
Your happy the wheels were professionally packaged,
you're happy you got a beautiful set of wheels for less than half the price,
you're happy you got a set of 3 piece wheels in like new condition,
you're happy i powder coated the wheels for you at no extra charge,
your even happier you got them with Toyo T1R's that have TONS of tread instead of some Falkens, or Sumitomo's, or Kumho's like most sets of used wheels sold here
Ohh did i forget to mention that they were also mounted and balanced ready to install on your lovely NSX, all this at no extra charge!!! I'm sure you're also happy about that:wink:

Stop complaining about the 1 or 2/32nd's on the rear tires and call it a day Brian, ohh and you're welcome:biggrin:
Chris, You must me just blind or well... I won't go there. The tires from Toyo are 10/32nds. I measured the tread at 1-4/32nds AND showed pictures to back up my statement. That is not "TONS OF MEAT":rolleyes:
That is a tire that is at 40% of tread depth and less. You claimed they were at 95% if they were 1-2/32nds under that I get it... THEY AREN'T how can you not see that? Do you lie so much you just believe yourself no matter what?

You actually think I would let a shipping company pick these up that I have not personally handled? I can see it now. " what? I never got the wheels back " on your end.. No I would have them shipped by me with all the possible insurances and signature verifications I could get to make sure you got them back and there would not be any more lies.

How about this... Why dont you buy them back from me. I will sell them to you for 2987.00 plus shipping. Shipping is $186.00 boxed/insured/signature verified through Fedex. Send me that money via paypal and I will have them to you in 1.5 weeks. Maybe if you see how this was suppose to be handled originally you will learn a lesson. Doubtful but maybe.

You keep trying to tell me I am happy with the wheels and tires etc..

I AM HAPPY WITH THE WHEELS I have stated that. I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THE TIRES if I was would I have asked for a refund on them? Would I be stating that I am not happy when I really am? No? Thats idiotic.

Word of advise.... just quit already and stop trying to look for BS reasons to say im dishonest or anything else you can think of just to justify your argument. Its done, you're NOT going to send the wheels back and not because of the BS that you "think" i wont refund your shipping fees, but because your more than happy with the purchase you made from me. I am going off history man, You have proven to not be trustworthy. Obviously.
Your happy the wheels were professionally packaged, Yes they were thank you so much for doing what should have been done to begin with! Thanks soooooo much?:rolleyes:
you're happy you got a beautiful set of wheels for less than half the priceNo I got them for 1/2 of maybe what you paid. But I paid almost full asking price. Your welcome.:smile:
you're happy you got a set of 3 piece wheels in like new condition Yep in great shape, No bends hey atleast you didn't lie abou that right! Good job!
you're happy i powder coated the wheels for you at no extra charge I could care less you powdercoated them. Would rather have "like new 95% tread depth tires" But thanks for doing it I guess....
your even happier you got them with Toyo T1R's that have TONS of tread instead of some Falkens, or Sumitomo's, or Kumho's like most sets of used wheels sold here I would much rather have 95% tread Falkens than more than half worn T1's you can keep telling yourself they have " tons of tread" but I have shown otherwise..
Ohh did i forget to mention that they were also mounted and balanced ready to install on your lovely NSX, all this at no extra charge!!! I'm sure you're also happy about that I was yes because that is what you said you were going to do and that was part of the money I paid you. Again. GOOD JOB for doing what you say!

Again. You can keep saying all the above was "extra" and you "didnt have to do it" but you sold me:

Refinished wheels in my color choioce
mounted balanced with 95% tread depth tires.
In 1.5 weeks

I got all of the above except the tires and length of time to get them.

I am not saying anything other than that statement above. Can you grasp this yet??

Probably not but its worth a shot. Keep on replying Cris its comical to see what you will come up with next.