Crew rescued from cargo ship in North Pacific

According to Motor Trend. There were 4700 Mazda cars on that ship!
Kiss those cars goodbye. When a RoRo flips over it's not a very pretty inside.
Even when they don't flip over things can get messy. In rough seas all you need is for one car to get losse inside and it can bounce around like a ping pong ball damaging hundreds more.


I'm curious. What happens to all of those cars when something like that happens? They were never actually made it to U.S. soil. Would they even end up in junkyards here. Or does the insurance company for the ship have to buy them all?
I have a friend that is an insurance adjuster, who deals with rail road crash claims. When an auto transport car derails, all of the autos go back to the MFR and are supposed to be shredded/destroyed, no matter what the condition is, due to the liability of the vehicle being involved in an accident. The insurance pays off on the claim. I do not know if the same applies to a maritime claim.