Crazy NSX Market....

6 September 2002
Northern VA
My car has been for sales for like 3 freaking months with NO bite. The last few days, I got 5 committed buyers. Two offers are higher than the first one...where the rest are the same. While I like to get a better offer, I had already committed and the 1st buyer is getting his financing. I guess I have a line for my car now.

Crazy NSX market.........................
i think the car was sold today on ebay. It sold for 26.1K, I wish I had the money now... or i would have bid on it, darn mail...
That's why you should tell people when first selling your car that someone already wants the car and is getting the money together, but he didn't leave a deposit. Therefore the first person to get the money to me gets the car.

Sellers tell me this line all the time when I'm buying a car. Sometimes it's for real, other times it is a bluff. A bluff that certainely helps to sell cars.
I told everyone that the car is in "pending" sales....and I will call back if anything changes. You are right, I should ask for deposit....but I didn't. I'll give the first guy a few days.

That's why you should tell people when first selling your car that someone already wants the car and is getting the money together, but he didn't leave a deposit. Therefore the first person to get the money to me gets the car.

Sellers tell me this line all the time when I'm buying a car. Sometimes it's for real, other times it is a bluff. A bluff that certainely helps to sell cars.
well, I had the money stored away, but not quite 40K, I had about 12K saved up in stocks and bonds, which they had to mail be a check for. With the 12K and maybe a loan form the bank, I tough I could get it, but things happen for a reason...
I just went thru the same thing on the sale of my BMW.

1st guy gave me a deposit. Took for ever to finish the deal. ( I'm talking about Months here. ) Second guy came along with same offer. I gave 1st guy 2 weeks to finish the deal. Couldn't come up with the money. 2nd guy flew right out to hand over the money done deal.

Although you may feel loyal to the 1st guy.. I did. but if it takes too long to gather his finances. Maybe he really cant afford the car. At the same time you are lost potential buyers. I say give him a time frame then move to the next higher bidder. time do this:

1. List your car
2. Take a deposit
3. Determine if the deal is taking weeks, months, years!
4. Record every persons name and number that calls inquiring on the car

I followed this with the sale of my S2000 and glad I did because the first guy couldn't afford the car and arrange financing. Second guy paid cash immediately as he'd been waiting to hear if the first guy was taking it.
I just went thru the same thing on the sale of my BMW.

1st guy gave me a deposit. Took for ever to finish the deal. ( I'm talking about Months here. ) Second guy came along with same offer. I gave 1st guy 2 weeks to finish the deal. Couldn't come up with the money. 2nd guy flew right out to hand over the money done deal.

Although you may feel loyal to the 1st guy.. I did. but if it takes too long to gather his finances. Maybe he really cant afford the car. At the same time you are lost potential buyers. I say give him a time frame then move to the next higher bidder.

I certainly hope you did NOT return the deposit to the first guy!!!
...over the hedge and I'm competing directly with Canadian NSX buyers. I have a reasonable budget for the NSX I'm looking for, but to none avail.
base on your requirements, you might be waiting for a longggggggg time before you can find one if any. Mainly because NA2...2002+ won't exist around $40K at this time.

I think he was referring to 97-01 NA2's not the 2002-2005's.

Sorry to see you go Calvin.....don't be a stranger now.
it's all about the price...if you want to sell something in a day, you ask low...if you can wait 3+ months you ask did you sell it yet???
I like to think so.....but if the first guy doesn't act fast, I will call back down the list for those are waiting.

it's all about the price...if you want to sell something in a day, you ask low...if you can wait 3+ months you ask did you sell it yet???
I like to think so.....but if the first guy doesn't act fast, I will call back down the list for those are waiting.

Best advise, "first one with cash on hand gets the car". This way you don't have to wait forever. If you're waiting for a loan to get approved, "don't hold your breath" Loans are becoming more strict to get approved now days, especially equity line loan. Don't know too many banks right now financing a 15+ year old car, but good luck!
Best advise, "first one with cash on hand gets the car". This way you don't have to wait forever. If you're waiting for a loan to get approved, "don't hold your breath" Loans are becoming more strict to get approved now days, especially equity line loan. Don't know too many banks right now financing a 15+ year old car, but good luck!

yep,money talks...bullsh!t walks....

btw, I financed my last '92 thru Capital One at 6.75%....That was a couple years ago though.
well, I had the money stored away, but not quite 40K, I had about 12K saved up in stocks and bonds, which they had to mail be a check for. With the 12K and maybe a loan form the bank, I tough I could get it, but things happen for a reason...

Dang, that gave me a headache reading that :redface:

GL with the sale Calvin