Crazy accident!!! *warning truly shocking*

Did someone entered the freeway the wrong way? Damn!!!:eek:
Did someone entered the freeway the wrong way? Damn!!!:eek:

Yep. You can see them coming down the ramp.

According to the comments on Youtube, all the passengers in the car with the camera survived, the truck driver is in ICU and 3 people in the Honda that caused the accident are dead.
Yes very tragic.

The bad driver in the Honda was surely to blame, but I also blame the truck driver for not paying attention to the space in front of and around him. Had the truck driver been actively scanning ahead and on the sides, he would have seen the strange car coming down the on-ramp, and braked his car much earlier to avoid the car and warn other drivers. It seemed like he didn't pay attention until it was far too late.

I was driving a rental car this week in Nor Cal. Several times I had a Volvo, a truck, and a prius swerve into my lane, the drivers either not paying attention or just horribly drunk.

Fortunately I was very alert, the first time was at 11:30pm on the 101, just the Volvo and my rental car in the 4 lane freeway. The damn Volvo manages to swerve into my lane despite the freeway being empty. I saw it coming with my peripheral vision and honked my horn, and immediately slowed my vehicle down to avoid a collision. Same thing happend the other few times - once at 1pm, and another at 3pm. Horrible drivers.

You have to keep alert, and watch out for stupid people on the road.
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I find it strange that so many people have cameras rolling for these types of accidents...
I find it strange that so many people have cameras rolling for these types of accidents...

I thought the same

Strange how these type of videos are now popping up with so much frequency.

Do you think people would purposely make a video like this to get hits on youtube so they could get paid ?:wink::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I thought the same

Strange how these type of videos are now popping up with so much frequency.

Do you think people would purposely make a video like this to get hits on youtube so they could get paid ?:wink::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I don't know. I have often thought of keeping a GoPro in my car so that I can always have video record of my driving *just in case* something happens to me, and I need proof of my innocence. Like if some guy runs a red light and hits me, and without proof it would just be my word against his. That is kind of paranoid thinking, and I have never actually done it, but I have thought about it.
The bad driver in the Honda was surely to blame, but I also blame the truck driver for not paying attention to the space in front of and around him. Had the truck driver been actively scanning ahead and on the sides, he would have seen the strange car coming down the on-ramp, and braked his car much earlier to avoid the car and warn other drivers. It seemed like he didn't pay attention until it was far too late.

Yeah totally agree with you. Very tragic.

Had a drunk driver swerving down the wrong side of the road last year with my entire family in the van. Had to move into the oncoming lanes to avoid that idiot. Luckily other cars noticed him too and had started slowing down and moving out of the way which gave others notice.
I saw something like this the other day. Someone posted a video clip on facebook. It was disturbing and kind of left me with a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It was a video of someone recording their drive down a two lane freeway covered in snow. Somebody in a black SUV driving behind a 18 wheeler ran into some snow building up on the middle of the road and the rear kicked out to the left, so they tried to correct by turning left. The SUV fishtailed into the other direction and went right into oncoming traffic. Unfortunately for the occupants of the black SUV they got T-Boned by a 18 wheeler at full speed in the opposite direction. The black SUV literally exploded and I think I saw the driver's grated body slide across the highway and under the camera man's car. It was very disturbing and reaffirmed my feelings we are really frail beings.

Be careful out there people It's kind of scary to know how small things can turn to a catastrophe all in a blink of an eye.
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I saw something like this the other day. Someone posted a video clip on facebook. It was disturbing and kind of left me with a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It was a video of someone recording their drive down a two lane freeway covered in snow. Somebody in a black SUV driving behind a 18 wheeler ran into some snow building up on the middle of the road and the rear kicked out to the left, so they tried to correct by turning left. The SUV fishtailed into the other direction and went right into oncoming traffic. Unfortunately for the occupants of the black SUV they got T-Boned by a 18 wheeler at full speed in the opposite direction. The black SUV literally exploded and I think I saw the driver's grated body slide across the highway and under the camera man's car. It was very disturbing and reaffirmed my feelings we are really frail beings.

Be careful out there people It's kind of scary to know how small things can turn to a catastrophe all in a blink of an eye.

I saw that's video too. :(
Yeah totally agree with you. Very tragic.

Had a drunk driver swerving down the wrong side of the road last year with my entire family in the van. Had to move into the oncoming lanes to avoid that idiot. Luckily other cars noticed him too and had started slowing down and moving out of the way which gave others notice.

Wow, excellent alertness on your part. I believe most NSX drivers are superior to the average driver because we take driving so much more seriously.
Amazing how things can be so calm and peaceful before tragedy strikes.

It's always a good idea to scan the road way up ahead... and really pay attention at intersections. It's too bad... stuff like this happens way too often.
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Wow, excellent alertness on your part. I believe most NSX drivers are superior to the average driver because we take driving so much more seriously.

Reguardless of how superior you think your skills are, your safety is limited to the lowest common denominator of skills on the road.
Steve, I'm sorry to say that I don't see any way for anyone to have survived something like that. Hopefully it was a quick end for the occupants of the SUV. That is horrible.

I had a near death experience last Tuesday 12 miles into a 16 mile whitewater trip here in TN. Lost the boat (sunk), our other team found it about a mile and a half downriver. After getting caught up in a hydraulic (like a horizontal whirlpool) and spit out with tremendous force to an undercut boulder, I refused to get back in the boat and decided to hike out of the gorge and the rest of the three miles back to the takeout alone. If there are any paddlers on here, you'll will understand the gravity of this situation. Normal flows are 500 cfs. "High Runnable" starts at 1,000. We arrived on Sunday with 5,400, put in at 3,500 on Monday and all hell broke loose at around 2,000 cfs.

Be careful out there, folks. Sorry for the threadjack.
I don't know. I have often thought of keeping a GoPro in my car so that I can always have video record of my driving *just in case* something happens to me, and I need proof of my innocence. Like if some guy runs a red light and hits me, and without proof it would just be my word against his. That is kind of paranoid thinking, and I have never actually done it, but I have thought about it.

I have thought about doing the same as I always see displays of stupidity and reckless driving all the time here in NYC.

As of late I catch alot of people who just drive straight thru red lights totally unaware it seems that there was a light there:eek:
steve, it seems doubtful the suv occupants survived but i can't confirm. wrt lowest common denominator factor, as a motorcyclist, my paranoia and awareness are always set to 12 ... it's UHmazing what happens in the blink of an eye.

be careful out there ....