Cracked open my piggy bank....

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
that I have been throwing my spare change in everyday for the past 2.5 years and I had $536.80 in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters in there.

I think I'm going to put it all down on one hand at Blackjack when I'm out in Vegas getting married later this month. :D
Wow! :eek: That's a nice haul.

What did you keep it all in?
Autophile said:
Wow! :eek: That's a nice haul.

What did you keep it all in?

I have a glass 5 gallon water bottle and it was only filled 1/3 of the way. The next time I start this I'm going to use a plastic water bottle. The glass one with all that change weighed a $hitload!
You didn't count them up by hands, did you?:D :D
I did the same thing. I took it to the bank. We put it in a burlap sack and a week later I saw a got a credit for just under $500. They had to count it at the main branch.
similar experience with me the other day...but i took it to Coinstar at Albertson. Came out to be $230.00 Coinstar charges .910 per dollar. :D
PoohBEAR said:
similar experience with me the other day...but i took it to Coinstar at Albertson. Came out to be $230.00 Coinstar charges .910 per dollar. :D
FYI, the bank does not charge. You just have to wait till they do a mass counting.
I had three, five gallon glass water jugs full of Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies I have been saving for the last twelve years. Last year I decide to roll them up. I started to roll one of the jars on the edge of the bottom across the bedroom floor. The bottom completely broke off and all the change went all over the floor. I put all the change in boxes and rolled it up over the period of two weeks at night. I was floored to have ~2500 dollars from ONE jar. It took me a couple of days to get the stink of the coins off my hands. No matter how many times I washed them they still seemed to have that coin smell. I still have not rolled up the other two jars yet but think I may do it this year.
I also use the five gallon glass jug to save beer caps in my game room. I have several jugs full of caps from myself and friends which we have collected over the years. :D
Re: Re: Cracked open my piggy bank....

PHOEN$X said:
Kinda like what this guy's doing:

Man to bet all on Vegas roulette spin

Good luck!

People always amaze me......

He had not decided yet whether to place his money or red or black on Sunday afternoon.

"I don't know, man," he said. "One of them is going to be the right thing to say and one is going to be the wrong thing."

****HELLO***** What about green????? Not a 50/50 chance its a 33% chance!!!!