Crackdown on cruising


Legendary Member
17 March 2001
St. Louis, Mo.
The local news has been reporting a crackdown on cruising this weekend along the popular south St. Louis county stretch that I cruised twenty odd years ago. Not street racing mind you, just cruising. Apparently it was named one of the top cruising roads in the country by some magazine (hard to imagine), and that may have been the worst thing that could have happened for the kids because some dried up old do-gooders are bound to get their undies in a twist. So I decided take a ride and see for myself. Do they pull this stuff other places?

The police tried to dissuade us a few times in the old days, but nothing like this. I’ve never seen so many cops on the road in my life. According to the news they wrote literally hundreds of tickets last night alone, but didn’t say for exactly what. Is this crap legal? I must say, I’m no more in favor of it now than I was as a kid. If I could, I would organize a large number of people my age and start clogging the street down there just cruising. I assume their “laws” apply to minors so it would be interesting to see their reaction to a bunch of old hot-rodders.
I don't know if it is coincidence or not but the same thing has just recently taken place here in Los Angeles along the famous Sunset strip. Supposedly in an effort to curb the infamous traffic in the area on weekend hot nights, cops are now stationed at various intervals along the stretch and are enforcing no cruising regulations which encompass a number of actions. As one of Los Angeles' most well known hot spots, I really don't know what the heck is going through their minds.
So how are they defining " cruising" ? Are they stopping people driving down the road and asking them where they're going? Whatever happened to just hopping in the car and going for a drive? Since when do we need a reason/destination? Does it depend on the type of car you're in? I say I should be able to drive anywhere I want, any time, any number of times, as long as I'm not breaking speed and noise restrictions. I'm 43, and a citizen since birth. I thought this was the land of the free.
This was done in Seaside Heights, NJ years ago - maybe 12 years back. A certain number of passes within a certain time frame and you could be ticketed. Signs were posted to that effect.

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Similar laws are in place in communities all over the country... and have been for quite a while. The cops literally count cars and if you go by more than X times in a given period of time they will ticket you.

I suspect if you are in a non-flashy car they robably won't even count you for the first few laps but I'm sure they'd notice eventually.

Who told you this was a free country?!? They lied!
Yes in AZ especially they have 2 cops counting cars that cruise thru.Upon the third pass you will be stopped and ticketed.

A cop looking into a computer screen(laptop)

The other cop physically watches as they do this every Friday and Saturday eve.

I have never received one but thats because I make a max. of 2 passes.
Is it fair(I dont know)
Does it help(cruising at idleing mph last time I checked wastes less fuel that 60-70-100mph)

Next they will ticket for doing to many miles /day/week/year.Based on the innacuracy of their description.

Possibly enforcement of carpooling.
I don't think the police count the number of times you go up and down the main cruising street here but on cruising night, which is tonight, they are in full force and give out lots of tickets.
It would make sense though if they did count this way they could half a$$ed decifer the difference between one and the other ya' know.
The cops did this in Walnut Creek, California about twenty years ago. I used to cruise there when I was in high school, and it was fun. Now the downtown has turned totally upscale, and I gotta admit that as an old man (40) I appreciate walking around downtown without a bunch of cruising kids.

Hey, whaddya know? I'm a fascist

They do this crap in Portland as well. It doesn't matter how old you are if you go down the street more than two times you are ticketed $200. Just more ways for them to raise funds. I think its BS, kids are doing no harm doing this. If you close down all the legal things for kids to do guess whats left for them to do.

Side note: Beaverton Or got busted for running to many stop light cameras. They were only allowed to run four, they ran five for a year. Their excuse, "we only issued tickets out of four of them on any given day". I'll have to remember this the next time I get a ticket, Act dumb and interpret the law in a way that best suites me. Free country HA.

[This message has been edited by nsxxtreme (edited 22 June 2002).]
Originally posted by NSXLNT:
So how are they defining " cruising" ? Are they stopping people driving down the road and asking them where they're going? Whatever happened to just hopping in the car and going for a drive? Since when do we need a reason/destination? Does it depend on the type of car you're in? I say I should be able to drive anywhere I want, any time, any number of times, as long as I'm not breaking speed and noise restrictions. I'm 43, and a citizen since birth. I thought this was the land of the free.
Apparently NOT. This *may* have something to do with last year's 9/11 attacks, or ICBW.