Could you please provide some advice?

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
I feel that a lot of the folks here share similiar interests, morals, apiration, inspiration, goals, and etc. My question is, how do you define "success"?

I know that there is no right or wrong answer, but I would appreciate it if you could please share your opinion.

Thank you in advance.
I would define true success as honestly feeling that you have found your place in life and that you are living up to your potential. And I don't think it's an easy thing to achieve.
"Success is not a condition. It is not a stabilized, permanent state of achievement. Success is the accomplishment of goals and objectives necessary to achieve a particular task, realize a particular dream or satisfy a particular need or want, for a particular period of time. This definition of success implies a state of constant motion. You are always moving toward ‘that thing’ you want so badly and success is not in the attainment of the ‘thing’ itself, but it is in the actual process you go through in order to get it. It is in the sweat that you put out, the long hours you put in and it is in the decision you make that you will stay in the fight. It is in the lessons you learn as you strive to constantly reach higher levels. This is the reason you can make bold statements about your success even in the absence of physical evidence. You become able to visualize yourself as strong and successful regardless of the environment you temporarily find yourself in."

"The definition of success--To laugh much; to win respect of intelligent persons and the affections of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give one's self; to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--this is to have succeeded."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Success is making it back from a track event without an expensive off-track excursion. BTW, glory is being fast enough that nothing under 400hp caught you. :)
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Success is taking yourself to a limit where you are completely satisfied in every aspect, but human mind will never reach that because we are too greedy. In this stage of life, I think success is learning how to appreciate people/things around you.
Success is the Matrix films had and lost. Don't remember me about it. :D

Seriously though, this sounds cliche' but success knowing you have done your absolute best. And if what you've done goes somewhere or makes you a lot of money, BONUS! :D
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

Somebody watching Conan the Barbarian this weekend?
Having a full time flow of income without full time effort. Success is getting out of bed when you want, doing what pleases you all day long and going to bed when you want. No responsibilities, no job, no appointments to keep. Pretty much how I live. :D :D
Having a full time flow of income without full time effort. Success is getting out of bed when you want, doing what pleases you all day long and going to bed when you want. No responsibilities, no job, no appointments to keep. Pretty much how I live.

Nice. Have other people make money for you. So you're into real estate? I'm actually taking my licensing exam next week. I can't wait to start making some real money.
I'm probably gonna ramble here, but...

I believe that success is not measured as a one-time deal. Everything in your life changes. Your goals, circumstances, opportunities...and the measure of success moves along with it. At one point in time, you may feel successful at achieving something. Later on, looking at things in hindsight, you may feel that your achievement wasn't enough because you're out doing bigger and better things--and you've raised the bar in what you think success is. The thing though is that you feel successful at that particular point in time. This is what I mean by "success" being measured differently at different times.

For example, you graduate college with a B.S./B.A. Then you celebrate your success. Then you think, oh that's not enough, I need to get my Master's. Then after that, PhD. Then what? Is this it? Then you look into a change of careers. It goes on and on, but you still feel successful during those little steps along the way.

I like to look at success using Maslow's hierarchy. If you remember from Psychology 101, the top of the pyramid is the "Self Actualization" stage. This, I believe, is the only stage that can not be FULLY achieved because life is so dynamic. If you feel "successful" in life now, does that mean that you've stopped living? You've ceased to be ambitious about other things in life? No. It just keeps going up and up and up to no end. It only ends in your deathbed.

And speaking of which, I think the ultimate time you hope to feel that you've succeeded in life is when in your deathbed, you can look back and say "I've done all there is to be done and I have no regrets. It is finished."

Well, that's my philosophy anyway.
Rather than looking at "success" I would suggest that you review "substance" of your life. That is really the step above success. Maybe it's your wife or family and fostering those relationships. Perhaps it's having an impact on someone that will change them in some positive fashion.

Are you accomplishing the things that you were put here to do? Why do you exist? What is really at the core of your life? I bet it won't be the money or the title. If you think about those things and are able to accomplish'll be successful.
Wow, that is so true. In the end, nothing else really matters. You can't take it with you right?
Joel said:
I think the ultimate time you hope to feel that you've succeeded in life is when in your deathbed, you can look back and say "I've done all there is to be done and I have no regrets. It is finished."

I agree, and would add that when this world and I part ways I hope that we are both the better for it. I try to do the most with the time & abilities I've got to achive my own personal fulfillment. I try never do this at the expense of other people. Greater gifts require greater burden, but offer flexibilty in return.

P.S. A pet peeve of mine of the subject: people who say 'life isn't FAIR'. I am not talking about prejudice, but the litigeous whiners who always feel they are owed something. I think government and society should be designed to be fair. No one ever said life should be.
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Joel said:
I like to look at success using Maslow's hierarchy. If you remember from Psychology 101, the top of the pyramid is the "Self Actualization" stage. This, I believe, is the only stage that can not be FULLY achieved because life is so dynamic. If you feel "successful" in life now, does that mean that you've stopped living? You've ceased to be ambitious about other things in life? No. It just keeps going up and up and up to no end. It only ends in your deathbed.
Here is a good link. Hmmm...Esteem, expensive cars. :D
Thanks so much for excellent advices. I appreciate it.
Eat a good meal every now and then. :)

I think success is knowing you are significant. Whether its an appreciative peck on the cheek from your wife before you leave for work, or the look on your childs face when you come home. To know that people count on you and to come through or even just be there, is quite a good feeling.