cost of world series tickets

11 November 2002
St. Louis
Man, my brother in law looked on a couple of sites and the cost for world series tickets for the seats that I have is over $900 each. My company gave them to me, but I have to give them to clients. Man would it be nice to go or sell them myself, but then again, I do want to keep my job. :D

I thought scalping was illegal, so why do I hear of people buying them from ebay? Actually, they pay hundreds of dollars for the envelope and as a free gift, they get the tickets as well. :rolleyes:
Jeff, my neighbor has diamond boxes a few rows behind home plate. He has been offered $9,500 per ticket, per game. :eek: He's not going to sell any of them. I told him I had heard of a good shrink and would get his number for him. :D

I looked around last night, and the prices were through the roof. I'm hoping my umpire buddy comes through...
2 good seats in Boston went for $20,000, about the same money. I have never seen prices like this year's.

I have great seats for today's game and game 7. My tickets were Free, under the condition that I actually go to the game. With the temps around here this weekend, I would rather watch on TV, but we are going, anyway.

It should be fun. Baseball in New England in late October!
Prices are out of this world. There were only 5,000 tickets availible to the public in St. Louis and they did an internet lottery to get many of them on-line. You had to be VERY lucky to get an opportunity to buy a ticket.

That said - I think the prices will come down after the first game or two. People who HAVE to have a ticket in hand well before the game will always pay top dollar to know 100% they are going.

That said - if anyone is reading this:

Hook me up with an extra seat! I will pay above face value and will not embarass you or your business folks. You might make a little more - but remember - you and your family have to SIT there too!

9500 per ticket? :eek: You could pay for your FactorX with that. ;) I love the world series and all, but for that, I would have to jump on it.