Cost of Mods -- Is my list accurate???

20 February 2000
I'm making an excel spreadsheet so I can figure out how much each used NSX I look at is worth to me, and also how much it will cost to get it to where I want it(new clutch, suspension, wheels, etc).

Are these numbers round about right? I know specifics like what type of wheels, etc will change things but just to get a rough idea:

clutch 2200
header 1200
exhaust(with hi-flo cats) 2000
nice wheels 2000
Big front Brakes 2000
Intake 400
Short Gears 5000
Front spoiler 300
Rear R spoiler 1000
Suspension(coilovers + swaybars) 1800
Timining belt 1500
Lady Six said:
maybe i dont want an NSX anymore
Dont let that scare you away! Most of that nots much more then any other car.
And you dont NEED any of it.

I'm making sure I'm on base with my estimates.
jond said:
I'm making an excel spreadsheet so I can figure out how much each used NSX I look at is worth to me, and also how much it will cost to get it to where I want it(new clutch, suspension, wheels, etc).

Are these numbers round about right? I know specifics like what type of wheels, etc will change things but just to get a rough idea:

clutch 2200
header 1200
exhaust(with hi-flo cats) 2000
nice wheels 2000
Big front Brakes 2000
Intake 400
Short Gears 5000
Front spoiler 300
Rear R spoiler 1000
Suspension(coilovers + swaybars) 1800
Timining belt 1500

I think your about right....
Id buy used, thats what I do. I just wait till something pops up and I snag it. Check the Parts For Section every morning and night, youll find it.
jond said:
I'm making an excel spreadsheet so I can figure out how much each used NSX I look at is worth to me, and also how much it will cost to get it to where I want it(new clutch, suspension, wheels, etc).

Are these numbers round about right? I know specifics like what type of wheels, etc will change things but just to get a rough idea:

clutch 2200
header 1200
exhaust(with hi-flo cats) 2000
nice wheels 2000
Big front Brakes 2000
Intake 400
Short Gears 5000
Front spoiler 300
Rear R spoiler 1000
Suspension(coilovers + swaybars) 1800
Timining belt 1500

I think you are high on some, low on others. Short Gears $5000???
Short gears are out of line, and can be combined with clutch and timing belt to save some on labor.

You do not need hi flow cats, they are a waste of money, so your exhaust cost should drop unless you want a Tubi or ARC.

you can get an Ark exhaust for like $600
and the intake for $100 (downforce)
rear R spoiler for $740 if its frp (downforce)

jond said:
I'm making an excel spreadsheet so I can figure out how much each used NSX I look at is worth to me, and also how much it will cost to get it to where I want it(new clutch, suspension, wheels, etc).

Are these numbers round about right? I know specifics like what type of wheels, etc will change things but just to get a rough idea:

clutch 2200
header 1200
exhaust(with hi-flo cats) 2000
nice wheels 2000
Big front Brakes 2000
Intake 400
Short Gears 5000
Front spoiler 300
Rear R spoiler 1000
Suspension(coilovers + swaybars) 1800
Timining belt 1500
ncdogdoc said:
Short gears are out of line, and can be combined with clutch and timing belt to save some on labor.
Thanks! So you're thinking when I change the clutch, for around $1500 more I could get short gears?

khappucino said:
you can get an Ark exhaust for like $600
and the intake for $100 (downforce)
rear R spoiler for $740 if its frp (downforce)
let me fix that, prices i had in my head were a little dated

Intake $155 from

Ark Exhaust + Header from SOS on special for $2295
the Ark by itself is $945

Dali Wishupon a star is $600
Dali Dual Canister Rice rocket is $600 as well

the wing in frp is around $800

hope that helps

khappucino said:
you can get an Ark exhaust for like $600
and the intake for $100 (downforce)
rear R spoiler for $740 if its frp (downforce)