Cordless Keyboard

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
I'm clearing the clutter off my desk & buying a flat panel and cordless kb/mouse combo - the number of hours I spend glued to this thing reading 'Prime make it worth the investment!!!
I've pretty much decided on the Sony SDM-HS93 monitor but would like some feedback on the input peripherals -
I'm considering the Microsoft Bluetooth KB/mouse combo - it's a lot more expensive but seems to have it all - I definitely like the the RF vs optical.
Any others I should consider, maybe better value? One thing that concerns me is battery consumption - my Intellimouse (which ergonomically I really like - one of reasons for Bluetooth choice, very similar if not identical other than colour) really eats them up unfortunately.
I did see one unit (forget the brand) that had a re-chargeable cradle for the mouse which seemed attractive.
Feedback/recommendations appreciated .....
I've had my Logitech Cordless Comfort Duo for about 6 months and am very happy with it. I use Ni-MH batteries in the mouse, the computer is in use about 10-12 hours per day, and I have to charge the mouse batteries about once per month. The keyboard is still running the alkaline batteries that came with it.

Logitech has other nice keyboard on their site, including Logitech Cordless MX Duo with rechargable mouse.
D'Ecosse said:
I did see one unit (forget the brand) that had a re-chargeable cradle for the mouse which seemed attractive.
Feedback/recommendations appreciated .....

Targus has a few cordless optical mice that have rechargeable cradles. I use one of the models for my laptop. The price seems a little high though...

This is what I use for my laptop:

Don't forget Targus has an NSX on some of their product packaging!!! :cool:
Thanks PbH, but already have cordless mouse - looking for the KB/mouse combo - also looking to move to RF rather than infra-red coupled.
D'Ecosse said:
looking to move to RF rather than infra-red coupled.
I just wanted to point out that these are in fact RF (not IR). I'm not aware of any IR mice that are currently available, although I know there are still some cheap wireless IR keyboards out there. Nowadays, all wireless keyboards worth mentioning use RF. When they say optical, they are refering to the tracking technology in the mouse. Optical = no ball and no moving parts.

Sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious. :)
Ojas said:
When they say optical, they are refering to the tracking technology in the mouse. Optical = no ball and no moving parts.

Sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious. :)

Understood as far as optical regarding the tracking technology - I guess I hadn't realized most were now RF based however - you have to dig through the specs to find this so I guess it must be so common its meant to be "obvious"
Thanks for clarification.
The logitech MX looks like a good value
I'm using the Logitech MX and it's pretty user friendly. As noted in one of the posts above the KB batteries last quite a long time (4xAA) and the mouse batteries less so (2xAA). If you use NiMH AAs, then it's not a problem, just keep a charged alternate set handy.
Ted, it looks like the MX comes complete with a charger cradle which doubles as the receiver- that is a big plus - shouldn't need a spare set of batteries.
My bad. I made the assumption on the model based on the pictures in the links above - I seem to have a version of the regular model but with all the extra bells and buzzers on the KB for controlling audio, and web navigation etc., but not the charger cradle. I've got tons of NiMH batteries for cameras, RC cars, etc., so that's not an issue for me, but the recharging cradle certainly seems to add additional convenience.
Logitech is great

I have been using Logitech RF mice for years, and finally switched to the keyboard last year when I no longer had any room on my desk for anything. I have not had to replace the batteries yet (>8 months), but I do not use it for typing, mostly Quickbooks entry and web stuff. Try it out, you will not be disappointed.:D
Have you checked out the Gyration Mouse and Keyboard ? It's gotten really good reviews. Good for up to 25 feet. Its supposed to be much more accurate than other cordless mice. I've had a problem with major lag time on my Microsoft Bluetooth mouse. I wouldn't recommend that one if you play games on your PC.
D'Ecosse said:
What has your battery life been like?
I've had this for a couple of months now and the keyboard is still on original battery. Mouse goes through em faster, and needs new batteries every 2-3 weeks or so depending on how much you're using it. I keep spare batteries at my desk. It's a small price to pay for the convenience you get. Plus, I really like the design of the MS bluetooth mouse.
Battery life sounds similar to the wireless intellimouse explorer - I also like the ergonomics of the mouse which look identical to the intellimouse - it just feels "right" in your hand.
To be honest, I just have a giant pack of AA's handy in my desk drawer, but charger just sounds like added convenience - more annoying is the "nag" prompt to change them, which seems to come on long before repalcement is neccessary.
I think its coming down to the Logitech MX vs the bluetooth.
Now if we could just come up with a wireless video transmitter for the monitor ...........
Bought the Logitech MX duo, with rechargable mouse feature
Have to say, very pleased so far.
I had an initial problem with getting both the mouse & keyboard to synch - would synch one device which would cause the other not to function & vice-versa; after consulting on-line help & trying several tricks, eventually found a faq response that advised to clear the channels by holding down the connect button on receiver for 15-20 secs - after this both synched up & no problems since.
Keyboard has some nice features & I really like the action - keys have really positive "feel"
Great result is the clutter I eliminated - meant I could relocate the tower to a rear-facing wall which hides all the cables instead of being in prime view.
Btw, did you get the flat panel yet? If not, also check out the Samsung 191t, 19" flat panel. I liked it so much, I bought 3 :D