
13 September 2004
Bay Area, Ca
COP CAUGHT ME! front plate..he was a real ass to..the funny thing was his name is DICK!

and i walked a modded i guess it evens out :rolleyes:
Got pulled over the other day for speeding right infront of him...and he was awesome!!! He was like slow down...would yah? He looked at my radar dectector, and front plate and ignored it. Thanks GG I know why I donate to the GGPD family funds every year becuase I know that NOT all cops are a jackass.
....the funny thing was his name is DICK!

So are some drivers.

Here is Andy being Andy, setting himself up for a red reputation (and may be slammed by a hide-behind-the-keyboard PRIME member that asks why I am hostile towards other PRIME members, but he failed to recognize the fact that I later apologized......whew, I'm tired just typing) but what is your point?

You broke the law (albeit a lame one) and got caught, big deal. :confused: Why don’t we all post every time we get a speeding ticket? :p I think I'll have another margarita, this fine morning.
PoohBEAR said:
Got pulled over the other day for speeding right infront of him...and he was awesome!!! He was like slow down...would yah? He looked at my radar dectector, and front plate and ignored it. Thanks GG I know why I donate to the GGPD family funds every year becuase I know that NOT all cops are a jackass.

Same thing happened to me on PCH @ Bolsa Chica. He was cool. Complimented me on a nice car - then asked me to slow down.
It goes both ways. Ive had great experiences with cops pulling me over, and Ive had bad. The sheriff dept. pulled me over once to check out my car. The constables office pulled me over to beat the shit out of my once. Police are people too and if they have had a bad day, unfortunaly you will know when you are stopped. :rolleyes:
AndyVecsey said:
....the funny thing was his name is DICK!

So are some drivers.

Here is Andy being Andy, setting himself up for a red reputation (and may be slammed by a hide-behind-the-keyboard PRIME member that asks why I am hostile towards other PRIME members, but he failed to recognize the fact that I later apologized......whew, I'm tired just typing) but what is your point?

You broke the law (albeit a lame one) and got caught, big deal. :confused: Why don’t we all post every time we get a speeding ticket? :p I think I'll have another margarita, this fine morning.

first of all his name really is officer dick

and isn't this area a off topic area? are we not allowed to talk about what's on our mind? :rolleyes:
The Rest Of The Story

The constables office pulled me over to beat the shit out of my once.

Just like that.....he pulls you over and starts beating you up for no reason nor provocation?

Me thinks there is more to this innocuous sentence, than meets the eye.
Yes Andy, there was.

I was pulled over and when I was I gave the officer my DL and my CHL (concealed handgun liscence). He asked if I had a weapon in the car and I said yes that there was a gun under my seat. He asked me to step out of the car and asked if I had other ID. I said sure, reached for my wallet and caught an elbow in the jaw, thrown on the ground and cuffed with a knee in my neck. A seargent was called to the scene and I was subsiquinty released. This was with my fiance in the car and my parents following behind. We were on our way to dinner for my parents 30th wedding anniversary. The seargent appoligized and asked if I wanted to press charges. I didn't. I was told that the officer reacted to me reaching for my wallet when he knew that a gun was present. See Andy, I understand cops do have bad days and do deserve a break from time to time. But just being an ass to be an ass is uncool. :rolleyes:
Left Lane - please excuse yourself from this conversation between Patrick and need to infer that I am being an "ass". Thank you for your warm thoughts.

Patrick - as an objective observer, I see a fatal flaw that you committed. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ADMITTED THERE WAS A HANDGUN IN THE CAR!!!! When an officer asks me for TDL, CHP, insurance......before I make a move, I tell the officer where the document is before I go reaching for it. If you were in your NSX (does not really matter, but if you were, it emphasizes my point) there is not much room in the cockpit.....plenty of places to hide a weapon.

I place him in control by ALWAYS having my hands visible and ALWAYS telling the officer what I am about to do. There was an instance where I was pulled over out of county because I was on probation at the time within my resident county. The officer wanted to look into my trunk. Before I opened it, I told him that I had a 270 with full rounds and a 10 gauge street sweeper. Everything was cool.
I completly agree with Andy on this one. However, I was already out of the car when he asked to see more ID. I said I had a credit card with my photo on it and he said ok. He had already checked my waist and legs for a weapon. I absolutly should have told him in advance that i was reaching for my wallet, but instead I didnt think, (key word THINK) that I apposed a threat. Lesson learned, noo harm no foul. I still have the utmost respect for every man and women that puts on a badge to ensure our safety by putting thier lives on the line. There are still a few that need to chill just a little though. I have seen some officers let the "power" go to thier head. :rolleyes:

And I was in the NSX....
AndyVecsey said:
Left Lane - please excuse yourself from this conversation between Patrick and need to infer that I am being an "ass". Thank you for your warm thoughts.

Sorry - I didn't realize I stumbled onto the private "Andy's World" forum. You know, the one where he is condescending to everyone and immediately takes exception to anyone questioning his tone. I'll be more careful next time to make sure you aren't offended after you offend bad. :rolleyes:
prova4re said:
A 10 gauge street sweeper? :eek:
What kind of street's are you driving on? :p

Way off topic, but in the last 10yrs Ive seen 3 of my friends buried from violence on our streets. And people still ask me why I feel the need to arm myself. ??? :(

Back on topic- Yumna2, how was the cop an ass to you? I got a ticket for no front plate twice already. The last time was on my birthday and the cop told me Happy birthday after writing the ticket!!! Kinda funny, but kinda not!
LeftLane said:
I'll be more careful next time to make sure you aren't offended.....

I seriously doubt you will ever offend me.

Andy is just being Andy ........
At least his position is always consistent


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