Cops are out in Connecticut.

11 July 2007
Danbury , Connecticut
The cops are out in Connecticut - Be Aware.

I have been reading a bunch of news articles lately about a lot of the police departments in the southwest corner of the state are out looking for seat belt compliance and illegal hand-held cell phone usage. A lot of the departments have received grants from the state for police over time to set up roadblocks and have special patrols to enforce compliance.

Several of the news articles alluded to a month long crackdown. I have been more diligent lately so I am not caught up in this web and issued a fine because I forgot to buckle up. I was stuck in traffic a couple of days ago in Newtown , CT. The driver in front of me was waiting at the light to turn left , yapping on his phone. Light turns green I sit there and wait for this clown to notice the light change. Finally he notices it and jumps on the gas. We both turn left . As we go down the street about 1/8 of a mile later I see an unmarked white Dodge Charger police car tucked into commercial driveway. We roll around the corner and there is 2 marked police cars and they pull over the guy in front of me on his cell phone. The white Charger was radioing ahead to the marked units as to who to pull over.

There has been a few police reports in the paper about people that they have nabbed in this trap and found other offenses like DWI , failure to carry insurance , expired registration etc.

Just found this posted only a couple of hours ago .......

State Rep. Bartlett arrested for suspended license
By Eileen FitzGerald, Staff Writer

NEWTOWN -- When state Rep. Jason Bartlett, D-Bethel, was stopped for using a hand-held cell phone in his car by Newtown police Tuesday, they discovered his license was suspended.

The state Department of Motor Vehicles had suspended his license in August 2008 because Bartlett had failed to pay a Hartford ticket -- for using his hand-held cell phone in his car -- as well as not carrying his insurance card or registration.

It took him a couple of hours Tuesday to clean up his record. Bartlett, 43, represents Bethel and parts of Danbury and Redding for the General Assembly second district.

He got a ride to the DMV, he said, to pay the ticket and reinstate his license, and to a store to buy a hands-free device for his cell phone.

"I was totally shocked my license was not in effect,'' Bartlett said Wednesday. "I understood the cell phone charge, but had no knowledge that my license was suspended."

Police say Bartlett was pulled over at 9:57 a.m. Tuesday on Church Hill Road for using a hand-held cell phone while driving and that after a "brief investigation," it was determined his license had been suspended.

Bartlett was taken to police headquarters, processed, then released on a promise to appear in court Dec. 1.

Bartlett said the officers did their job and he had his cousin drive him to New Britain to pay $268 for the outstanding ticket issued April 23, 2008, and associated fees and another $125 to reinstate his license.

The DMV suspended his license Aug. 20, 2008, for circumstances stemming from non-payment of the April ticket, according to court and DMV records.

"Then I went to Best Buy and bought a new device for my cell phone that has a speaker that attaches to my visor," he said. "It works for me."

Bartlett said he had to assume that the DMV sent him a letter about his license being suspended, but said he doesn't remember seeing it.

"If I had knowledge it had happened, I would have taken care of it," he said.

Bartlett said it was especially bad timing for him because he was on his way to Hartford for a press conference to unveil a new initiative he is leading to reduce the achievement gap among students in the state.

They are out there , be aware ....... : :mad:
They are out there, but would they catch you....

I'm sure my formula red car would blend right in with the trees and I would lose him. My dream is to out run a cop one day but I'm guessing that would be the end of my car and car-eer.

Oh well. Drive under 80...
Same type of thread on the Northern California section. It's about the CHP and tickets on the 101 and 280 in the San Francisco Bay area. Have to make up for that revenue shortfall.:tongue:
Thanks for the heads up Cragar! I am going up to Wolcott, CT for Thanksgiving so I will be careful. I was actually at Newtown last week.

I will be heading up to Springfield Ma this friday which would be better the merrit or 84 ?

I vote the Merrit.
I will be heading up to Springfield Ma this friday which would be better the merrit or 84 ?

Route 84 eastbound to Hartford -change over to - Route 91 north *Most direct , faster.*

Merritt northbound to Hartford - change over to - Route 91 north *Just slightly longer ( less than 30 min longer ) Much more fun in an NSX.*

If driving the NSX , take the Merritt turnpike route.

If driving something else take the route 84 direct route.
The weather has been great here and the police have been out in full force. I went and got my car from storage and a friend and I took it for a drive. I cleaned out the car before I stored it so everything including the V1 was gone. I told my buddy. I hope we don't get a ticket today we need to keep the speed down. Sure as s-it we pass a state trooper sitting in the median and I am driving ....well not close to the speed limit. I am sure we are going to get pulled over. The guy never pulls out. I am still shocked.
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