Cool Veyron Video...

3 February 2006
So Cal
I searched and found a few vids, but not this one. So I hope it's not a repost...
(It would not let me "embed", sorry...)

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
An amazing technical achievement. I'm not too keen on the looks, but wow what a top speed. Thanks for sharing.
Ho Lee Jeez Ass!

While watching the video, the veyron was going so fast, it left skid marks on my screen. Damn It!

Stupid question, but why did they get James May 'aka Captain Slow' to review the Veyron? :confused:


I loved the music they played. I'm a soundtrack buff, and that was Duel of the Fates - From the Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Soundtrack

Also, I was very curious about what TIRES this supercar uses and found this info:

Michelin PAX System Pilot Sport tires

The high-speed tires designed specially for the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (for vmax. > 350 km/h), sizes 265-680 ZR500A (front) and 365-710 R540A (rear), incorporate a further innovative safety feature in the form of the PAX System fitted to the wheels and tires, ensuring safe handling even after sudden pressure loss.

Well, I certainly wouldn't mind getting my hands on a tire similar to this; I suppose the logic behind this is if the tire can survive the rigors of traveling at that speed, surely I will have little worry about going a mere buck fifty, right? Maybe that's not the logical way of thinking regarding tires.
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Blades... you missed your chance today, buddy.


Some fat graybeard picked a new one up at Braman. I just happened to be there looking at 3 series, and from around the corner, a flatbed with a Veyron pulls up. As an employee is unloading it, a tragic new owner pulls up in a limo with an airline suitcase, hops in, and speeds off (transport truck was nearby I think). The cocky bastard didn't say a word to, or even acknowledge, the crowd of peasants with their jaws on the ground. Frankly, if he's that arrogant when he's putting gas in it at the 7-Eleven, some bum is going to throw an empty 40oz bottle at it in all likelihood.

Anyway, I got a couple camera phone shots. I'll post if I can figure out how to download them.

My impressions:
The interior is very tight. Like a modernized NSX. It probably has the same cab-forward, 3 foot nose view as an NSX too. I liked.
The front end view is gorgeous. The Bugatti signature grill is really sharp.
The rear end is quite nice as well. The tires looked about as wide as Viper tires, were very low profile and looked hard as plastic.

The side view, however, is the real downer. IMO, there's no "looks better in person" effect here. Yes, the car sticks out as one would expect. But it still looks like an elongated egg. McLaren F1 still has first place in the sexyness category, by a longshot.

Final note though. You can't argue with obscene performance. All the videos you have seen of a Veyron accelerating -- looking like a motorcycle it is launching so quickly -- are the honest to God truth. Even with this fat chucklehead in the drivers miss. It's impossible to describe - you've just never seen a full size car go from standstill to 80 in what looks like instantaneously. Truly unbelievable.
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Stupid question, but why did they get James May 'aka Captain Slow' to review the Veyron? :confused:

Makes it even more impressive that the average Joe (May) can feel safe taking a road car up to that speed.

253 mph is an utterly incredible speed. It's 23% faster than the record just 14 years ago before the McLaren set it. On the episode Clarkson, after the segment ends, says it's the most stable at top speed of all the supercars he's driven including the Koenigsegg.

The Veyron looks fairly comfy as well. It really is a marvel of modern engineering. Does anyone think it's top speed record will be broken anytime soon?
Enh... I'm not that impressed. A Twin-Turbo or Viper (is theoretically) capable to do this correct?
How does 6000 lbs with 10 radiators, 4 turbos handle in the twistys?
Not well..
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Final note though. You can't argue with obscene performance. All the videos you have seen of a Veyron accelerating -- looking like a motorcycle it is launching so quickly -- are the honest to God truth. Even with this fat chucklehead in the drivers miss. It's impossible to describe - you've just never seen a full size car go from standstill to 80 in what looks like instantaneously. Truly unbelievable.

Damn man where the video. :frown:
I didn't video record anything, just took two camera phone shots. Honestly, they're pretty uninspiring (just like the car, in person, looks only of course).

Put that performance in an ENZO, however, and the number of bank robberies would triple.

As stupid-fast as this car is, I'd rather have an Enzo. No question. Zero. Zilch. None.
Blades... you missed your chance today, buddy.


Some fat graybeard picked a new one up at Braman. I just happened to be there looking at 3 series, and from around the corner, a flatbed with a Veyron pulls up. As an employee is unloading it, a tragic new owner pulls up in a limo with an airline suitcase, hops in, and speeds off (transport truck was nearby I think). The cocky bastard didn't say a word to, or even acknowledge, the crowd of peasants with their jaws on the ground. Frankly, if he's that arrogant when he's putting gas in it at the 7-Eleven, some bum is going to throw an empty 40oz bottle at it in all likelihood.

Anyway, I got a couple camera phone shots. I'll post if I can figure out how to download them.

My impressions:
The interior is very tight. Like a modernized NSX. It probably has the same cab-forward, 3 foot nose view as an NSX too. I liked.
The front end view is gorgeous. The Bugatti signature grill is really sharp.
The rear end is quite nice as well. The tires looked about as wide as Viper tires, were very low profile and looked hard as plastic.

The side view, however, is the real downer. IMO, there's no "looks better in person" effect here. Yes, the car sticks out as one would expect. But it still looks like an elongated egg. McLaren F1 still has first place in the sexyness category, by a longshot.

Final note though. You can't argue with obscene performance. All the videos you have seen of a Veyron accelerating -- looking like a motorcycle it is launching so quickly -- are the honest to God truth. Even with this fat chucklehead in the drivers miss. It's impossible to describe - you've just never seen a full size car go from standstill to 80 in what looks like instantaneously. Truly unbelievable.

Eh, this is Miami, LOL...after a while, he will stop getting those looks since the car is almost too exclusive. People see fancy cars here every hour. My NSX doesn't even get a second glance.

I understand about the WOW in person effect. I got that with the Enzo, the pictures just didn't do it justice, until I stood next to one did I really get an appreciation for it.

However, there's something to be said about grunt straight line speed that just leaves you craving for more.

I wonder which is faster....the Veyron or the Aerial Atom. I would look it up, but I'm off to work:tongue:
Also, I was very curious about what TIRES this supercar uses and found this info:

Michelin PAX System Pilot Sport tires

The high-speed tires designed specially for the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (for vmax. > 350 km/h), sizes 265-680 ZR500A (front) and 365-710 R540A (rear), incorporate a further innovative safety feature in the form of the PAX System fitted to the wheels and tires, ensuring safe handling even after sudden pressure loss.

Well, I certainly wouldn't mind getting my hands on a tire similar to this; I suppose the logic behind this is if the tire can survive the rigors of traveling at that speed, surely I will have little worry about going a mere buck fifty, right? Maybe that's not the logical way of thinking regarding tires.

The Acura RL also has a PAX option. But the PAX system on the Veyron is $37,000!:eek:
I wonder which is faster....the Veyron or the Aerial Atom. I would look it up, but I'm off to work:tongue:

The Atom is fast but it's no Veyron. As of now, the Veyron is the world's fastest-accelerating car at 0-60 in 2.5 sec. Very impressive for also being the world's fastest top-speed car as well. The hp/weight ratio really hurts the Veyron too. The Ariel Atom, king of hp/weight, is at 2.88 sec, only the 9th fastest if you count some of those loony cars on the list like the Porsche 962 Le Mans :rolleyes: and some that aren't in regular production like the Barabus TKR SSC Aero TT.

Here's the Wiki link to the world's fastest accelerating cars. The Barabus TKR is on the list but it's not in production yet...don't know why it's on the list then. :confused: it would be the worlds fastest car in every category...with a 0-60 time faster than an F1 car at 1.67 sec. :eek:

The SSC Ultimate Aero TT will apparently participate in a top speed challenge in May 2007 in Wolfsburg, Germany against the Veyron. The claimed top speed of the Aero TT is 273 mph...could the Veyron be dethroned?
The Atom is fast but it's no Veyron. As of now, the Veyron is the world's fastest-accelerating car at 0-60 in 2.5 sec. Very impressive for also being the world's fastest top-speed car as well. The hp/weight ratio really hurts the Veyron too. The Ariel Atom, king of hp/weight, is at 2.88 sec, only the 9th fastest if you count some of those loony cars on the list like the Porsche 962 Le Mans :rolleyes: and some that aren't in regular production like the Barabus TKR SSC Aero TT.

Here's the Wiki link to the world's fastest accelerating cars. The Barabus TKR is on the list but it's not in production yet...don't know why it's on the list then. :confused: it would be the worlds fastest car in every category...with a 0-60 time faster than an F1 car at 1.67 sec. :eek:

The SSC Ultimate Aero TT will apparently participate in a top speed challenge in May 2007 in Wolfsburg, Germany against the Veyron. The claimed top speed of the Aero TT is 273 mph...could the Veyron be dethroned?

Pretty soon the performance figures will be in negative amounts of time and THEN...the DeLorean with a flux capacitor will be in the top spot.