Cool pic


Contributing Member
1 October 2004
My buddy sent me a cool pic.

Did he also send you a pic of a mini NSX? :D
Looks like a photo you would see in an advertising brochure for the car, very cool.
who's that guy:confused: he looks a little miffed ...but he has nice hair:wink:
You guys serious? You really don't know who he is or are you just joking?

LOL... they are making jokes because there is probably not a single person on this forum that hasn't seen that photo 1000 times. So your posting a thread that your buddy sent you a cool photo is kinda funny.
But this angle has been seeying like 500 times, not 50000 like the other

Hey don't feel bad, I've never seen that pic before....Thanks for posting it:smile:
cmon everyone knows thats Alain Zinardi.........
He is my hero.

did you guys see that consipicay thing they had on Discovery

slow motion videos of his demise?

it was similar to Kennedy no joke

Mafia maybe?
Looks like he is using hard water? Which comes out of a hose and contains lime and calcium... I can't believe they let this guy give advice on chassis and suspension tuning. He doesn't even know how to properly wash a car. :biggrin: