Cookout & drive at the Meeyatch1 compound (Indy)!! Who is in??

1 May 2001
Point of No Return when my NSX gets back, I plan to drive even more than usual, and plan to celebrate its successful return with a cookout and drive here in Indianapolis. I would like to do this in July or August at the latest. So my question to the masses is:

1.) Who would be in?

2.) When would be good?

Additionally, I have a fully finished garage with HDTV, air tools, fridge full of booze, PlayStation, and anything else you would need if we wanted to do a 'mod day' theme there also. Let me know! I think it would be fun, and we need to have something happening here in the Midwest.
Towards the end of July? I'm not sure when I'll know my schedule, but I'll try to be there if I don't work. That is if I ever get my car back...

Not sure why the MidWest has been so dead lately. Even S2KI is dead. Nary a car show or anything. :confused:
I'd enjoy the crap out of that but I'd be in for August. Travelling baseball (Notre Dame, Atlanta, Cleveland, Dayton and Toledo) just kills my July. Then I could bring some mulch over to you in my NSX.
I'd enjoy the crap out of that but I'd be in for August. Travelling baseball (Notre Dame, Atlanta, Cleveland, Dayton and Toledo) just kills my July. Then I could bring some mulch over to you in my NSX.

LOL! I do need a few more bags of mulch for the side of the house. :D

This weekend I am going to try to nail down a specific date range for this, and will post it here.
ohh ohhh lets do a detailing theme. I've been itching to detail an nsx. Id do my car but its already been done 4 times this year over the course of 70 miles. i can bring my 'supplies' if people are interested.:biggrin:
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Better yet, lets do a window regulator theme and we can put Hugabuga's retrofit in mine. Last of course, in the interest of good manners. Or last so that I'll have worked out the process on other folks rides!
ohh ohhh lets do a detailing theme. I've been itching to detail an nsx. Id do my car but its already been done 4 times this year over the course of 70 miles. i can bring my 'supplies' if people are interested.:biggrin:

I might just drive the 500 miles round trip for that.