Convince me why I should consider an aftermarket exhaust

10 February 2001
Southern California
My friends have all been bugging me to change the exhaust on my car. I've always wanted to keep this car bone stock. Is there that big of a performance difference? I don't think spending close to $1,500 for a few hp is rational. What other benefits are there? Will my car be more reliable? Better gas mileage? Pros and cons? All inputs will be appreciate. Also, which exhaust is considered the best? Thanks.

Here's why I think most people change their exhaust (mine's stock for now)...

1. Performance (although I don't think there's that much difference unless you add headers too).

2. Sound (most people like a more throatier sound)

3. Looks (although this can be achieved by changing the tips...applies mainly to older cars with the oval "weird" looking stock tips.

4. Weight (I guess a few of systems are lighter, particularly the very expensive ARC Titanium)

5. Just because of something to change.


1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd
Originally posted by RyRy210:
My friends have all been bugging me to change the exhaust on my car. I've always wanted to keep this car bone stock. Is there that big of a performance difference? I don't think spending close to $1,500 for a few hp is rational. What other benefits are there? Will my car be more reliable? Better gas mileage? Pros and cons? All inputs will be appreciate. Also, which exhaust is considered the best? Thanks.

Keep the car stock since you want it stock. No need to be blowing money on exhaust, what's next, air intake, header, supercharger, etc. The car makes a little bit more power, but nothing special with exhaust. If your friend want you to get exhaust so bad, have him pay for it.
My friends have all been bugging me to change the exhaust on my car. I've always wanted to keep this car bone stock. Is there that big of a performance difference?

Not really. Even with intake and headers (for still more money, of course), you're adding around 20 hp - less than 10 percent to the power of your car. On an NSX, that will reduce 0-60 times maybe half a second, and quarter mile times maybe a second.

What other benefits are there?

Sound. Of course, that's a personal preference thing.

Will my car be more reliable?


Better gas mileage?


Also, which exhaust is considered the best?

Because sound is really the biggest difference, the "best" is in the eye of the beholder; different people like different sounds.

If you like keeping your car bone stock, then do so. There's nothing wrong with that. It's your personal preference - do what you want to do, not what your friends are telling you to do.

If you're considering an aftermarket exhaust for your NSX, check out other NSX's in your area to hear what the different exhausts sound like, and then decide whether it's worth it to you.

Your money, your decision - think about what YOU want.
Are you kidding?? The exhaust change in the car is the BEST thing you can do. #1 The car is NOTICEABLY more powerful, especially higher in the RPM band. I've been told that my butt is fairly insensitive to changes in power, but I noticed an immediate difference in power. #2 Its gets rid of that dang Sewing machine sound. The NSX to me sounds waaay to docile, even with the K&N intake Cone. It just seems to be missing that nasty snarling rasp that most sports cars have.

My suggestion would be to go for a drive with someone who has an aftermarket exhaust. And Yes 1500 dollars is a bit much, but you can get used RM and Comptech exhausts for about half that price which makes them SOMEWHAT reasonable in price....
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
you're adding around 20 hp - less than 10 percent to the power of your car. On an NSX, that will reduce 0-60 times maybe half a second, and quarter mile times maybe a second.

?!?!? Divide both those reductions by 4 or 5 and you'll be closer to reality!

Though even that may be optimistic because the power gains are not linear across the entire RPM range.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 February 2001).]
where do i find used rm exhaust or any nsx parts for that matter?
Even with intake and headers (for still more money, of course), you're adding around 20 hp - less than 10 percent to the power of your car. On an NSX, that will reduce 0-60 times maybe half a second, and quarter mile times maybe a second.

Kind of funny that some people say that this is an overestimate, others say it's a huge difference.

I got these numbers from the "What are the numbers?" chart in (specifically, comparing the columns for "Baseline" and "Baseline +20 HP"). For those who are saying that the difference is much less than that, are you saying (a) that properly-selected headers/exhaust/intake mods don't add 20 hp, or (b) that they add 20 hp, but the numbers in this chart are wrong?

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 27 February 2001).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
For those who are saying that the difference is much less than that, are you saying (a) that properly-selected headers/exhaust/intake mods don't add 20 hp, or (b) that they add 20 hp, but the numbers in this chart are wrong?

C. You are not using the chart correctly for 1/4 mile estimations <g>

My comments were mainly based on the 1/4 mile. The chart you refer to does not have a distance column, only a 0-MPH column. You cannot read straight across this chart to estimate 1/4 mile changes because as you add power, your trap speed at the end of the 1/4 mile increases as well.

The effects of +20 HP for the 0-30/40/50/60 numbers in the chart are good for general comparison purposes vs. gearing changes (the real focus of the charts anyway), but there are so many other variables involved in 0-(low speed) runs that a direct correlation based on peak HP really doesn't work very well in real life.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 February 2001).]
C. You are not using the chart correctly for 1/4 mile estimations

Oh, you're right!!! IOW just because it does say 0-130 in one second less elapsed time, doesn't mean you get to the end of the quarter mile in one second less elapsed time. My bad.
Am i the only one who likes the 'sewing machine sound' ????

I have a stock '00 T and I enjoy the stock sound sound of this incredible engine - especially in 'VTECH range. I prefer the sound of an F1 engine at 18K RPM over a NASCAR engine at 7K also. Yes, I love the sounds of the modified exhausts of my friends' NSX's but for me, the stock sound is awesome also - quiet and stealthy when cruising, screaming in VTECH. To me, that is part of the magical allure of an NSX - the ability to be a daily driver with a beast lurking the press of a pedal away.

2000 Red/Black #81
Some of you guys mention 20hp to the wheels as if it's not a big deal.
To me, it was WELL worth it. My car is still quiet under part throttle and now screams and full throttle. 20 hp with header and exhaust is quite good in my opinion.

There is a video on this site that shows three NSX's racing on the highway. A stock NSX, a SC NSX, and an NSX with i/h/e. Of course, the SC NSX easily pulls away from the other non SX NSX's. What's interesting is that the i/h/e NSX pulls away pretty quickly from the stock NSX.