Convert to 02+ or just buy one????

12 April 2007
How much does it cost to convert say a 95 to a 02+ front end and rear? Would I be beeter off and just buying an 02+??? I can afford a 95 but not an 02, but in a year or 2 i will be able to afford an 02+.

I'm assuming you are talking about just the cosmetics (not engine, etc). My estimates are on the high side using OEM parts. You could save some money by going w/ aftermarket parts (hood, bumper, etc).

Converting the front is about $6K plus labor, the rear around $2K plus labor, the side skirts around $1K plus labor. Those are round numbers. Figure $9-$10K in parts and a $2-$3K for labor and paint.
I'm not sure on the resale value of a 'updated to 02' look early car but I think it may be the same or less than if you left as is, and your market of buyers for such an altered car is also less.

Don't update it, keep it until you can afford an 02+. The 02+s are probably depreciating faster than your 95 at this point so IMO its better to keep yours, sell it, then get a 02+ with the NA2 engine/trans that your 95 won't have.

edit: i thought you had a 95 already. You could buy a nice 91-94 car and keep for a few years then sell it (if you want) and get an 02+. You prob won't lose any money but you could invest/save that $$ and you'll get your 02+ faster.
Im going to begin the transformation in a couple of months, I have reciept for whatever I bought so far and have bought a bunch of stuff used via Prime and Ebay. Ill keep everyone posted once its said and done:wink: Downforce is the only way to go, IMO.
How much does it cost to convert say a 95 to a 02+ front end and rear? Would I be beeter off and just buying an 02+??? I can afford a 95 but not an 02, but in a year or 2 i will be able to afford an 02+.


Sure, you would be better of buying an 02+ but since the price differential between a 95 and an 02 is likely to be over $25,000 it might not make financial sense.

If the 02+ look is what you want it will cost anywhere from $6,000 to $9,000 in parts and labor. I recommend the Downforce package as well although Dali offers the package. Downforce hoods are certainly the way to go and I recommend the Type-R. Looks great on the 02+ front end IMO.

As far as resale expect to recoup no more than 10-20% of the price you paid for the parts and labor. Of course you might get more or even recoup nearly 100% if you find a buyer who's willing to pay more but it could sit on the market awhile before that buyer turns up, if at all. Most prospective NSX buyers could care less about an 02+ conversion as well as most mods.
As much as I like the 02 front {and I really like it} I would've paid maybe 20% more for the converted one but no more than that.
Thaks guys, I believe I will wait a while so that I can afford an 02+! I have to learn patience though lol.
I think if u have an early model and its already modified the way u like Convert to 02 specs..No reason to spend more money for the same car. Forget resale value Most Vehicles are depreciating Items. If u have a house maybe some stocks are other investments it will balance out.. I like to count my pennies like most prime members but its Hard to find a good clean car thats modified to your liking at a good price..

Good luck in your search.........
If you can hold out for 2 years then the sensible and financially wise decision would be to buy the 02+. You get the bigger engine and newer tranny, newer looks, interior and newer everything. If you can't wait which is understandable then buy the 95's and save until you can afford to buy the 02. I bought a 97 because it was in my budget and I'm really happen. Ideally if I had another 10-15k I would have bought an 02 but beggers can't be choosers. Be happy with what you got. I am. Good luck. Either way you're going to be tremendously happy what ever decision you make.