Contacting factorynsxtech?

5 December 2007
Beach City Ohio
I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, I am trying to contact Prime member factorynsxtech as he recently purchased a CTSC kit I was offering. His private messaging and e-mail has be shut down or something? If anyone knows how to get in touch with him please direct him to this note.

Robert I had a question so I can ship out Monday, Please contact me, Bryan.
It appears he changed his registered e-mail address and has not yet re-activated his account with the new address. Non-activated accounts do not have e-mail or PM functionality.

factorynsxtech - See for more info on re-activating your account after changing your e-mail address. If you have trouble please use the Contact link on the top navigation bar and I will assist you.
PM Oyagi. He is the secretary of the NSX Club of Canada and should be able to help.