Console phone housing removable?

8 January 2003
Independence, MO, USA
I still have the old analog cell phone mounted in the console and would like to remove it. Intact if possible. My question is, is the small segment of the center console that houses the phone removable by itself or do you have to pull the entire center console? It looks like a separate piece. If I remove the small screws in the bottom of this section will it come right out, or are they just holding a mounting plate to the underside of the section?:confused:
i did so on the night I took my car. If my memory served right, I believed you do need to take the whole arm rest out and then completly remove it... then what I did is that I cut a piece of black carpet to cover all the unwanted screws/ holes.

Hope this helps.
Once I get the entire phone setup out of the car, possibly intact, is there any demand for the parts or are they pretty much useless? The reason I ask is if there is no reason to save the parts I'll just cut the connections and not bother to remove the console.:o
I just cut out my phone line, in then I found out if I'm patient enough, the phone jack should be able to get thru the little hole... oh well.

I'll say everything will be useless, but then it will be nice if you keep everything in a "good" untempered condition. Who knows? Maybe 20 years later, you can get that sold on ebay for $2000.00 as a collectable item. :D

I believed you have to take the whole armrest off to unscrew that phone holder. It's not that tough to get it out. You can also inspect your e-brake adjustment while you at it.
Another thing to consider .. I'm not sure if they're all the same but my phone has the handsfree remote thing mounted where the coin tray usually is and there's no way to get that thing out easily without removing the whole center console. The good news is that there are some excellent instructions on Prime for removing the center console. I did mine recently and the phone/armrest part came out pretty easily with a minimum of screws.