Congrats Paul And Sarah!!!!!

what are the specs? :biggrin:

JK paul, btw, where were the cigars as the last mtng? :tongue:
Paul and Sarah,

Congratulations on your very first, a healthy baby boy! I want to write something deep and meaningful, but there's this hottchic working across from me, so I can't concentrate! :tongue:

:D :D :D
God Bless!
- Z
Congratulations Paul And Sarah

Here's hoping for a happy and healthy future for the new life you have brought into this world.

hmmm... Sincere congrats to the both of you! Let the endless bliss begin, till the lil' bugger grows up and asks for the keys to the NSX. . . :tongue:
:eek: I guess I stay lost too much. I didn't even know your wife was pregnant! Contratulations on the future Aggie!

Congratulations to you Paul! We just had our baby girl last is her spec:

7 lb 8 oz, 21" Tall

Not quite a heavy hitter like my son, he was 9 lb 3 oz & 21.4" Tall.

Get some sleep whenever you can...we are still trying to figure out how to manage two kids. Kids are alot of work but they are very rewarding.


My wife and i want to congrat you both (Paul and Sarah) on your new addition to the family. Another dude in your family and X'er . . So, Santa Claus came to your house a little early this year :smile: He may think you need a new member for this joyful Christmas,

Hey Ricky! you'll be next right?
