Confidential Financial Survey

Annual Income if purchased own vehicle

  • $25,000 - $45,000

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • $46,000 - $60,000

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • $61,000 - $90,000

    Votes: 12 15.0%
  • $91,000 - $149,000

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • $150,000 - Up

    Votes: 29 36.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
24 April 2000
Gilbert, AZ, United States
As a prospective NSX owner I have been a member here for 3 years now and am wondering exactly what kind of company I am in. I am hoping its as wide as the poll options show.

I dont have a lot of money but still am keeping my dream alive. So without leaving your member names (not important) and without flaming (topic doesnt warrant flaming), please take time to select one of the following annual income options. I ask that only those that had to go out and buy their own car vote.

Please vote without leaving names.
Haha,..sorry Tony Montana. I figured anybody that financed their own NSX without help may not have made under $25K a year.

Also, dont you make bookoo bucks illegally and drive a silver Porsche 928? ;)

All the little responses...its not like your usernames are fingerprinted with your least not for me at access.

Its merely a survey data collection type of poll.
Teej felt the need to send me personal e-mail regarding his reasons for initiating this poll. I think this was intended in good spirit, but suggest that if you have reasons that you feel are justified, they can be posted publicly: I don't need a personal explanation.

As a means of determining whether one can afford a car at any price, I still think this is very dependant on many personal circumstances, of which income is only one component.

I think the lack of responses & the jokes demonstrate the reaction to this poll.

I do wish you the sincerest best of luck in securing your dream, but don't base it on anyone else's perception of affordability.
well said, well said D'Ecosse

i personally have a friend that has owned over 20 cars in the past three years (wife horrified) and dumps his money into cars rather than getting a bigger house. his annual income is nothing short of 6 figures.

just to prevent questions..some cars include (all brand new)

blah blah blah...the list goes on...."got cars?" is his motto in life.

got another friend....lives in a mansion in the mission san jose hills in fremont, CA but stays with his old integra (3 generations ago)....."got rooms?" is his motto.

any meaning to all this.....not really the point?

why try to find the difference when we can focus on our same joy in the X......
The point was quite simple. Also, when I stated "so many views, so few responses" it did not mean peoples comments, but instead, people selecting on the poll.

I want to thank everyone that has participated as it has become valuable information for me. I think there are many members of this forum that have yet to get their own NSX, and have also wondered just how realistic their chances are provided the income bracket that they fall in.

I could definitely see your "tasteless IMO" statement had I left it open to say, "Hey, how much money do you make? I want to see who you are? Who has the biggest d---k??!" But it's not like that at all. :mad:

I don't care if you live in a 10X10 storage shed from Home Depot, I don't care if you own a McLaren F1 and have a city named after you. Thats not the point, that was never the point. It was merely a poll, a poll to collect data. Another reason it was in the 'Off Topic' and not the 'General NSX Discussion Forum'.

A poll for anyone and everyone out there wondering "Hmmm...can I do it? Am I alone? Do I have to own a company, be a doctor, a lawyer, and make at least $100,000 a year to even think about it?" If I want something so bad, is it even worth my energy, worth my time, worth someone elses time to finance me?

Thats it, it's just that simple. I really didnt think it was worth the "borderline flame job" that I received.
With used NSXes being as relatively cheap as they are, pretty much anyone can afford one, no? Look at what $30K buys... anyone driving a new loaded Accord could have bought an NSX. Anyone driving a new big-ass pick-up truck or SUV could have bought all but the most recent model-year NSXes. I'd say income really isn't an issue in NSX ownership unless you're talking only about near-new models. I agree 100% w/ Blue Knight, income levels aren't the commonality here.
However, there are inherent risks in buying a used NSX. While, it's true that everyone who buy an SUV or a mid-range car could have afford an NSX. The reason why they don't do it is because of these factors. First, they are not cheap for a 12 years old car to maintain. Second, anything break in it, and you will pay for it dearly, trust me I know, after two clutches and one motor special order of course, and somewhere close to 15Gs, and the parts were not top rated parts that I wanted. Third, there is no warranty coverage as oppose to a new vehicle that cost as much. Fourth, the insurance is not good. Fifth,it's only has two seats, so family is not really an option, and last but not least, NSX drink a lot of gas, after spending about $60-90 on gas per week, I should know.

It is an undeniable fact that there are quite a few members on this board here that are still looking for the key to that first NSX, and if I remember correctly, there is a thread on here that stated how ridiculous the NSX price is regarding to where they live. I have absolutely no doubt that the NSX will be an option that most people are not willing to take, and will alway remain a weekend toy.
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NSXSAN, I agree the NSX is not everybody's cup of tea. What I meant is that most middle-class people could cough up the $30K if that's what they really wanted. IOW you really don't have to make $100K a year to be an NSX owner, despite the correlation of high salaries in this particular survey (perhaps they are simply accustomed to the finer things in life, regardless of what they cost! :) ).

You are correct they do need a little more $ per mile to operate, maintain properly and insure than a typical new vehicle and they do have practical shortcomings. Honestly, not many people are truly in the market for an exotic... but that doesn't mean they can't afford it. Now, if this were the Ferrari F355 board, this would be a completely different discussion!
Your points make a lot of sense, too. However, in all honesty, I only want people who can appreciate this car for what it is, an awesome, and rare vehicle to have.

I also agree with you that this thread perhap shouldn't have started out with the financial survey. I don't see a relevant to the NSX here, but please let's not attack each other over something like this. If you do or do not want to participate, i don't see any harm in it.
Take Care Everyone,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what D'Ecosse was trying to say is that these types of polls can have the negative effect of making some people feel inadequate about themselves. While I doubt this was Teej's intention, it is inevitably human nature to compare oneself to others. The rest of you were well to point out that monetary wealth (beyond a minimum level) has little to do with NSX ownership, let alone success in life. It is just one factor (among many) of being an NSX enthusiast, and a decent human being. :)

Interesting results BTW. Now I know where to go to for my next loan! ;)
haha.. Phoenix..that was my real outside of financial institution lending. ;)

I really appreciate it guys, I can see how the "inadequate about one self" could be a problem. I guess I didnt think about it that way. I tried to eliminate all the personal parts of the poll the best I could.

I dont make much, but everybody that knows me, and has seen my little NSX display in my house knows that I would do anything to have my own. I am lucky, no kids, no wife (yet), rent, etc...

I was afraid I'd get a lot of snotty feedback, but instead, I have received level headed smart replies. Again, thanks to everyone for selecting. When I said how much I made in another poll, I was told it would be a financial disaster for me to get one. I took it more like "forget it, you cant afford it" even though I knew exactly what I wouldve been getting into. I felt kinda hurt because its all I have ever wanted and I know the risks involved, but I am willing to make whatever sacrifices needed.

Because of my financial situation, I realize that my range for a purchase is between $28K-$33K and now is the time to do it. I was also thinking about leasing through my insurance company a '97/'98. The lease payment wouldnt be much higher than a car note for an earlier model, and I already know that I'd refinance at the leases end anyway.

As far as insurance, surprisingly, for a '91, it is actually less for me monthly than my 99 GSR was. Much to my surprise, even a '98 is less than $150 a month....

Again thanks for the support and feedback. No offense to anyone and I have nothing but respect for this forum and the members of this forum.
yes, thing that contributes to an X purchase is the insurance. many neglect to check the premiums in their area before they buy.

i'm lucky to pay about $70/month for my '98 X......second car, of course.
The other way to look at this poll is the results vs. intention.

The vast majority of the people that voted, said that they made over $91K / year.

Now, given that is the case, if you don't make anywhere near $91K (or higher) do you now feel satisfied that an NSX is out of reach until you do? I would imagine not.

Lots of good points made about how income doesn't really affect the ability to own an NSX, but rather what you do with the money that you do make. I had a friend a few years back that made $24K / year, and he paid cash for a $25K car, just due to saving his money and living debt free.

My NSX is the most affordable car I own, but that's because it's probably worth about $28K (or less maybe!), it is affordable to buy, not necessarily to maintain, and certainly not to mod :D

Regardless of your income, an NSX is not likely out of your range, it all depends on what you want out of your NSX and what you are able to set aside to get it.
well said Jonathon...

but with normal was really just to see how plausable (dont know if thats a word but sounds good) it is given certain incomes.

Making $24K a year and paying $25K cash for a vehicle is very admirable..but at the same time is taking years to save it up at that rate.
Only a year ago, I did not own an X.......I found exactly what I was looking for and went for it. The car is only JUST within my grasp. I am also lucky enough to have a mechanic that likes me enough to store that car in his own personal garage at home during the winter. I allow him to drive it whenever he askes (which is not too often ). He loves the car at least as much as I do, So I pay minimum labor and get parts at his cost. He told me that if I bought a turbo, or supercharger that he would give me 2k towards it. :D
Sorry, got off on a tangent. I make much less then the shown average here and I have the car....The Exact car that I wanted. All that I am saying is that if you want it bad enough, as I did, you shall have it. God willing, 6 years from now, it will be paid for and I will Still have it! :)