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Comptech supercharger kit (CTSC) whipple 1.6

23 May 2020
SF Bay Area
Up for sale is a recently rebuilt Comptech whipple supercharger (CTSC) kit off of my 91. It includes both 9psi and 6.5psi pulleys and made 392whp on my car at 9psi. This is a very complete kit including install manual and all hardware, all you need is engine management. $7500 plus shipping




The supercharger itself was rebuilt in April / May 2023 by Jon Bond performance. Both rotors were replaced and coated, all bearings replaced, etc. It has roughly 500 miles on the rebuild and it has 0 miles since its last visit to the rebuilder in Oct 2024 where they disassembled, inspected, cleaned and re powdercoated the case (see rebuild note below for details). Note that the rotors did graze the case at some point after the initial rebuild, there are scratches in the rotor coating, see the pic below. This is unfortunate but only cosmetic. On the last visit to the Jon Bond, they felt that the scratches did not impact how the blower functions at all, and it still made ~9psi on the car

It comes with:
  • 2 pulleys: comptech 9 psi (392 WHP on my C30) and 6.5 psi (likely 350 whp range)
  • AS motorsports phenolic Sandwich plate. Hardware is included to both run with and without the plate (see phenolic plate note below)
  • Modern fuel lines made by Shad at driving ambition in 2020 (Comptech)
  • Aeromotive fuel pressure regulator
  • Manifold adapters for EV 14 injectors (like ID 1050s), I can include connector adapters too
  • New gaskets for your mounting pleasure
  • New bottle of SC oil
  • Denso alternator and install hardware
  • Brand new Comptech carbon fiber fuel rail covers
  • New bypass valve (~500 miles)
  • Freshly powdercoated manifold and intake snout (~500 miles)
  • An already modified vacuum hardline block
  • Belts: new & used, gatorback & smooth, different lengths
  • A belt tension gauge because the twist test is wack
  • All the other bits: brackets, bolts, fuel rails, etc. Note that The kit was on a 91 which has a cable throttle, IACV, and fast idle valve.
  • installation manual from comptech
  • notes doc from me on care and feeding of the ctsc
A couple extras at additional cost:
  • RC 550cc injectors that have been recently cleaned and flow tested (~500mi on cleaning). They were in it when it made 392WHP. I can install them for you as well. +$350
  • Griptec pulleys: 9psi, 6.5psi, and 4.5psi. These reduce belt slip, but cause extra belt dust. +$150 each
  • AEM series 1 ECU(s). See my for sale post for more details +$350
You will need
  • Engine management system
Phenolic plate note: I ran the kit with a 1” phenolic plate between the manifold and blower. The plate allows you to spray water / meth after the blower and somewhat insulates the blower from the engine heat. The kit will come with the phenolic plate and everything you need to run with or without the plate: studs, gaskets, belts, 2 rail-to-rail fuel lines, etc.

Rebuild note: In Oct 2024 it went back to the rebuilder as they forgot to drill a vent hole in the case. This caused it to weep a very small amount of oil out of the drive snout bearing. They fixed it, and in this trip it was also re-powdercoated, cleaned, and the mounting face was decked. They noted the scratches on the rotors and decided they did not impact the functioning of the blower so did not re-coat the rotors. It is fresh and has not been installed since the Oct 2024 visit.

Newly powdercoated manifold



More sc pics











Your username looks familiar...and you're local!!! Wish I had the money for this; always wanted the comptech supercharger! GLWS!!!!
Your username looks familiar...and you're local!!! Wish I had the money for this; always wanted the comptech supercharger! GLWS!!!!
They are definitely fun! I think the NSX is perfect with a supercharger, they put it right in the power sweet spot

You're selling the SC??? Going N/A?
Not NA, I ended up with an SoS TVS sc for a little bit more boost and out of curiosity 😅

DM replied!

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