Complaint-Removal of Info

16 October 2017

I came across your website by searching my mother's name in Google. It appears on your site back in 2002. Her name is Fatima Margan. She was a victim of identity theft. I understand that people were trying to get answers after being victims of a scam but, so was my mother. Now, her personal information is plastered on this website and with defamatory accusations. SHE was a VICTIM as well. If anyone searches her name via Google, this is one of the first sites that come up. She is a respected member of her community and would like the post with her name and personal information removed.

I came across your website by searching my mother's name in Google. It appears on your site back in 2002. Her name is Fatima Margan. She was a victim of identity theft. I understand that people were trying to get answers after being victims of a scam but, so was my mother. Now, her personal information is plastered on this website and with defamatory accusations. SHE was a VICTIM as well. If anyone searches her name via Google, this is one of the first sites that come up. She is a respected member of her community and would like the post with her name and personal information removed.

You should understand that we have no way to confirm who you are or your relationship with the person in the other thread or whether what you are saying is true. I did the investigation 15 years and posted the information that I uncovered. After 15 years of this being a non-issue you now post and ask to have it removed. If everything you say is true then I can appreciate your concerns but as of right now there is nothing to verify anything you are saying so at least for now the info will remain.

If you wish to go private and provide me with proof of everything you are representing you may email me:

rondrovic at bgclawfirm dot com