Coming Soon!

28 April 2008
Well as the title says i will be coming soon to an NSeX NA1/NA2. Im in the market of car shopping since i have 1 year left to pay off my AP1.5 :wink: Im Currently a Gold Member over on and go by the name "VeilSide AP1". I have enjoyed the sites diversity and good info on the S2000 but i feel its time to Upgrade and ofcourse the only way to go is up. So i have started to browse and do my research on this magnificent car. I currently own this and will most likely sell it after i pick up the new toy. Anyhow here are some pics of my current "Art in Motion" enjoy!

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Re: ***Coming Soon!***

Max, as long as you don't go "Velside" on the NSX ..... :D .. seriously now, good luck man, take your time, and the right one will show up!

PS: Prices are fantastic now btw ..
Re: ***Coming Soon!***

Max, as long as you don't go "Velside" on the NSX ..... :D .. seriously now, good luck man, take your time, and the right one will show up!

PS: Prices are fantastic now btw ..

No no, no VeilSide for the NA :biggrin: i got other plans for it:wink:
Re: ***Coming Soon!***

I likes! Nice & clean, props to you! :cool:
Great S2K really like the pics. :cool:

There is so much great information and people here on Prime, good luck and enjoy your search!
NSX is a natural upgrade - find a nice 02+ and do it proud! :)

I could never let go of my s2000 to replace it with the nsx though! Way too many places I'll never drive the nsx that I run daily errands for my s2000.

I have always loved your S2000, welcome and be patient for the right car it will come along:)

Thanks dude, HA! i was a fan of your Laguna Blue one CLEAN! Yea i started shopping now and will continue to do so for about a year. I pay off my S in 2010 so im not in a hurry. But if i get a good deal, i will pull the trigger:biggrin:
NSX is a natural upgrade - find a nice 02+ and do it proud! :)

I could never let go of my s2000 to replace it with the nsx though! Way too many places I'll never drive the nsx that I run daily errands for my s2000.


I wish i can keep both but im not a BALLER like you Rick, with your M3, GT3 and other toys you have :wink::biggrin: