Please don't put words in my mouth, and this makes no sense anyway. How could more people use a gun for self-defense than people who use it to commit a crime in the first place? At best, it would be equal.
I don't know if this is true or not, but assume it is, in these situations it makes no difference if a gun can hold 6 rounds or 100, if none are actually being fired.
I haven't been to Pakistan but so what? I submit the reason folks there value human life less than ant life is not their guns, but their culture.
For every Japan there are dozens of Ottoman Turkeys, Soviet Unions, Nazi Germanys, Occupied Europes, Chinas, Gualtemalas, Ugandas, Cambodias, Mexicos, Libyas, Bahrains, Irans, Yemens, Somalias, Nigerias, and Syrias where gun confiscation led to oppression and mass murder.
Does gun confiscation always lead to genocide, oppression, and loss of liberty? In some cases no, but in a historical context, it never ends well.