coincidence (BATMAN please read)

18 October 2004
Moutain View, Ca
So i'm getting my NICO rear-spats installed at The Works, and Chris the owner tells me, you know, there is another Allen Tsai that also drives a black NSX. His handle on Prime is BATMAN.

Holy sh!t, BATMAN. There's two Allen Tsai's w/ black NSX's in the SF Bay Area?

BATMAN please chime in.
So i'm getting my NICO rear-spats installed at The Works, and Chris the owner tells me, you know, there is another Allen Tsai that also drives a black NSX. His handle on Prime is BATMAN.

Holy sh!t, BATMAN. There's two Allen Tsai's w/ black NSX's in the SF Bay Area?

BATMAN please chime in.

One Allen is enough and now the evil twins!:eek:
So i'm getting my NICO rear-spats installed at The Works, and Chris the owner tells me, you know, there is another Allen Tsai that also drives a black NSX. His handle on Prime is BATMAN.

Holy sh!t, BATMAN. There's two Allen Tsai's w/ black NSX's in the SF Bay Area?

BATMAN please chime in.

Chris must be talking about me.

I dunno about the other one, but have been copied before with my RX7 back in the day on the car thingy.

"so will the real slim-shady please stand up?"

I reside in Los Altos Hills.

We should sync up since we're close to each other......
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Hey Alain, I am in Mountain View, let's meet up for some coffee on a weekend or something. Alain is not a common way to spell the name. I do know another Alain that is Malaysia/Indonesian. Is that your root?

Hey Alain, I am in Mountain View, let's meet up for some coffee on a weekend or something. Alain is not a common way to spell the name. I do know another Alain that is Malaysia/Indonesian. Is that your root?


Alain is the French version.

I have a female friend that is Malay Chinese and she might be interested in learning more about ur friend if he is single with no kids....

I know a few good coffee places in Tully and 101. ;)

They have coffee for the eyeballs as well..........
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Single with no kids...she's got high standards! =)

I have never been to a vietnamese coffee shop; but I've heard a lot about it. Not sure if my wife would be happy with me going, especially since she's 7 months pregnant.

But let's get together at the next meet, whenever that is.

ps Chris' guys screwed up my rear spats. that shit sticks out like a sore thumb!