Code Red Worm Virus...Please read!!!

Originally posted by ANYTIME:
Just trying to help out anyone who didn't know about that press release. Jeeeez!

I'm guessing from your "Jeeez!" comment that you are somehow offended by my post? I deal with this stuff daily - perhaps I have a different perspective than the average user. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.
After I read your post last night one of the NY networks flashed to a reporter "standing by" at an internet cafe. I guess he was waiting for the Internet to come crashing down... sheeeesh!

The NSX Model List Page
Yet another reason to run Solaris and apache!!!!! 9.99999 times out of 10, the person that wrote the virus wrote it on a unix platform.... so they're not about to write something that will infect their own system! They write something that will affect systems that are widely used and have poor administration....

I read an article somewhere that apache and unix web servers are gaining ground somewhere in the neighborhood of 68% unix web servers to 32% NT IIS servers...

*in his best Monty Burns voice* eexxcellent!
