Code 1279 Oil Psi Above 4 At 3000 Rpm When Rpm Help Over 6000 Psi Drop To 2

18 January 2006
At Idle I See 2-3 Oil Pressure . At 3000 Rpm I See 4 For Oil Pressure. When Car Is Driven 6000 To 7000 Rpm And Held There Intermittently The Oil Psi Will Drop To 2 From 5 With A Trouble Code 1279. Acts Like An Oil Windage Problem. Can An Over Volt Shut Down The V Tec? I'm Getting 14.8 V At Idle With Spikes Into The 15,s Over 3000 Rpm. Intermitently
What is trouble code 1279? Is you car OBDI? Make sure you are reading the the blinks correctly. Codes 1 through 9 are indicated by a series of short blinks and codes 10 through 59 are indicated by a series of long and short blinks. The number of long blinks indicates the first digit, the number of short blinks indicates the second digit.

For OBDI cars the range of codes is 0 to 59.
1279 in ODBII is the same as 22 in ODBI. It is the front oil pressure switch curcuit for VTEC. Page 6-17 in the online service manual describes how to test it.

I woudl not assume any "windage" type problem until you diagnose it. Could be a dirty VTEC spool valve filter, bad selonoid, open wire, etc. Perform the tests:).

I am thinking your car is a 1995+ vehicle with ODBII if you have read this code with a scanner.

so far on the car progress is.
0 Oil pressure taken at filter all checked out.
1 Pan checked and oil pick up clean
2 Charging sys checked and good
3 oil pump looks good o ring replace on pick up tube
4 trouble code on obd2 1279. Checked spool valve+ solenoid good
5 Replaced battery and noticed ground clamp to battery was loose and that the crimp for wire to clamp showed heavy dark tarnish at crimp. So I used thin gage aluminum to coller the battery terminal so the clamp will grip tightly. But did nothing about the crimp.

What I'm thinking maybe the crimp is the problem. Meaning that maybe on high load and air temps low that I loose ground to the battery to a degree giving me the to warnings as follows
1 code 1279 (electrical)
2 code 22 for eps (electrical)
The oil pressure drop is not idicative of a mechanical oil pressure drop. Which the comtech people have said that the drop I'm getting may be a inacurate gage and no oil pressure light every thing then is good. But maybe all the symtoms are the gage and the EPS going low pressure and eps failing just a poor ground. Thats where I'm at. The acura techee has done all the inspections
The oil pressure drop in completely normal as the engine enables the VTEC system. Oil pressure is used to engage the high profile lobes, so total oil pressure as seen by the gauge is reduced during VTEC engagement.

You mention EPS, your power steering is a problem??
