CO: HCA Car Show - Pre-Winter GTG!

6 July 2007
Here's the details...

Who's hosting: Highline Car Audio,
Whereabouts: 8095 O'Neida Street Commerce City CO 80501
When: October 20th 2007 @ 2pm. It will end whenever it ends.

Whats going down: Show off your car, FREE BBQ, beers and car BSing.

What you might want to bring: Good car savvy attitude, and of course, BYOB.

Why should I be there: Not only will you get to show off your car and your system, you will meet like minded enthusiasts, such as yourself. And get to preview our newly developed shop. And hell, have a beer or two :D.

So shine up that paint, throw on that tire shine, and bring out your beauty on the 20th. Winter is coming!!.. Enjoy your ride while you can :cool:
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