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cna2 / Cris / Avi Motorsports.... bad experience

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
I unfortunately had the dis-pleasure of trying to purchase a set of used H&R Springs from Cris, NSX Prime screen name "cna2" with Avi Motorsports in Miami Florida. I responded to his sales ad seen here.

His response: Springs are still available. Located in Florida and $160 includes shipping. Paypal is [email protected] just add 3% for paypal fees. They will ship 48 hours after receiving payment in full. Thanks.

I paid immediately, including additional funds for PayPal charges. A few weeks later, I inquire, and was told he would get me a tracking number. Another week, I inquire again, and I'm told he is out of town, he will get me a tracking number. Finally, I'm pretty fed up and ready to cancel the transaction, I dispute via PayPal. The next day I get a PM from Cris stating the package got sent else where and he will expedite the springs to me at his cost. A week later, no tracking number, no springs, no update, and he has my money. I checked via PayPal and he notified them that springs were shipped, but put "N/A" where the tracking number should be provided.

I see he is also selling some wheels here. So buyer beware. Actually, looks like they are sold. Hopefully Cris is not too busy traveling to ship the wheels as well. :rolleyes:

Thanks a lot Cris, really appreciate it! :rolleyes:
Anyone know Danny@5star(Daniel Aviles) or Cris Aviles

Any of you guys in the Greater Miami area, that may know these guys?

Cris and/or Danny owe me money and don't have the courtesy to return my calls or pay me.

Feel free to PM me. Someone has already given me some scoop on these dudes.

- Zishan
Re: Anyone know Danny@5star(Daniel Aviles) or Cris Aviles

Any of you guys in the Greater Miami area, that may know these guys?

Cris and/or Danny owe me money and don't have the courtesy to return my calls or pay me.

Feel free to PM me. Someone has already given me some scoop on these dudes.

- Zishan

I have to clear the air before anyone gets the wrong impression from this misleading and inappropriate post/thread that Zishan has decided to write up. For starters, in response to the "Pay Me" and "Owe me Money" comments, I (Cris) do not owe any money to you. I sold you a set of used H&R springs that have been delayed in getting to you for reasons that have already been explained in previous communications to you. There has been a lack of communication at times due to me not being on Prime daily but other than that all your PM's have been responded to. A full refund has been offered if you do not wish to continue waiting for my delayed shipment, which is understandable. The intension behind your post is of somehow giving the appearance that in one way or the other i owe you money or have stolen from you which are false accusations and misleading to anyone viewing this post. As far as the other comment "Someone has already given me some scoop on these dudes" I honestly can’t understand what is meant by this but what i got from Zishan was that he had a buddy do a public search on the owners of my brothers company?? Again this only seems like a misleading comment in an attempt to give more validation to his previous remarks of me owing him any money.<O:p</O:p

Now that the air has been cleared, and the inappropriate remarks have been corrected, we can get back to the H&R springs. Zishan, as per our phone conversation earlier today we will touch base on Monday morning at which point you can decide whether you wish to wait for the package to arrive and tracking # will be provided, or if you prefer a refund at which time a full refund will be issued immediately. If you would like a refund before Monday or right now, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, and I will send you your $160 right away!!<O:p</O:p
Re: cna2/Cris/Avi Motorsports....bad experience

PAYPAL REFUND HAS BEEN ISSUED!!! (despite buyer not wanting the refund or ever asking for one, contrary to his accusations.)

The moderator has been communicated about this users misleading comments and lies. He has blown things out of proportion and made false accusations publicly on the forum which im sure the mod will correct or remove. A refund has been issued despite his refusal of the refund or the springs. He has threatened to make further accusations and to continue his bashing campaign on this thread or any other he possibly can. I will leave the mods to this thread and to this users future remarks and will respectfully make no further posts or comments.
Re: cna2/Cris/Avi Motorsports....bad experience

Final update, refund has been received, via PayPal dispute. Copy of transaction showing refund came from Avi Motorsports.

And Cris, for the record, your bs explanation is worthless. You called me AFTER I posted on NSX Prime. Get your facts straight, be a man, admit you lied. How many times did you tell me they are shipped, you would get me a tracking number. Where is the stupid tracking number??? Where? And I told you, springs or money, I want either or. And I filed PayPal dispute.....because well, I wanted my money back. Doesn't that not make sense??? It's not about the dollar amount, it's the principle. I waited a month for a tracking number. All I got was.....tomorrow....tomorrow. :rolleyes:

And lastly, I will not remove my comments. I had a negative experience. I posted the actual events that transpired. That's what the "Feedback Score" is for. If Danny would like to discuss further, you have my number. I'm not hiding, I answer my phone. I welcome him to call as I believe you are completely dishonest.



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Re: cna2/Cris/Avi Motorsports....bad experience

Your refund was issued 2 days ago... why are you still here? Nobody is interested in your lame crying and all your BS over NOTHING!! Sometimes i wonder what kind of people are behind the keyboard and after all the insults, fowl language, etc i can only wonder the kind of individual thats on the other side. As far as your comments about me being a man and about lying.... well lets just say that your comments speak for themselves and about the kind of person you are. Please find something better to do with your spare time. Move on, just save another $150 and you should be able to afford a new set of springs soon. Good luck.
Re: cna2/Cris/Avi Motorsports....bad experience

I concur with Zishan. I too have had similar experiences with Cris. I bought Cantrell Headers and Exhaust from Cris on July 9th. Paypal cleared and released the funds on July 10th. Cris advertised that the parts would ship within 48 hours of receiving payment. After repeated requests to provide shipping info, Cris finally gets back to me with a message that the parts were shipped sometime during the week of 7/11 and that he'll provide the tracking number on 7/20. Come 7/20, no tracking info so another email goes out to him. He finally responds as if he's done nothing wrong and to call him. So I call and he explains that he hasnt been able to provide the shipping info since he hasn't been back in his office but will do so on 7/25. Finally get a "tracking" number on 7/26 which turned out to be a pickup confirmation number for another random package. I again contact Cris and he apologizes for the mixup and provides another "tracking" number for the parts that NOW he says were shipped on 7/27. Come to find out that this new number was another pickup confirmation number for a package that was going to be picked up on 7/28! Nearly 432 hours after receiving payment!

Cris - I can't speak for Zishan but what irks me isn't that the package was shipped so late, but the blatant 'inaccuracies' in your statements. If you were upfront with me prior to receiving the funds, and advised that the parts wouldn't ship for 3-4 weeks, then atleast I would've known that and planned appropriately. You claim that you've always responded promptly which is somewhat accurate, but only when contacted or queried. As a seller, it is your reponsibility to advise the client if you are not able to fulfill your obligations or meet the timelines that you yourself have set forth. And when advising the client, be 'straight'! You clearly had to have known the package wasnt shipped on the week of the 11th, nor on 7/27.

To clarify to the community, I have launched a dispute with Paypal. However, after doing so, I learned that the package was indeed picked up and is slated for delivery on 8/2. Given the history of this transaction, I don't plan on cancelling the dispute until I actually receive the parts. In fairness to Cris, I will post an update as soon as I receive the parts.
So here's the update.

My mechanic finally received the package this morning but it arrived partially open and in bad shape. So he peeked inside and found an exhaust but no headers, so the package was refused and sent back to sender.

Cris contacts me because he receives an email from Paypal stating that I had escalated the dispute to a claim (which I immediately did after receiving the bogus package). I tell him the latest and state that I want a full refund immediately. He then mentions that the headers were sent in a different package. Interesting since this is the first time I had heard of this 'phantom' second package, nor had I received any shipping info for it! He mentions how much of a nightmare this has been for him (LOL...really?) and that he is going to call the shipper and ask for the 'phantom' package to be redirected back to him. He also states that he would not be providing me a refund until the parts are back in his possesion and in the same condition that he sent them in. Apparently he has issues reading since I had already stated that the package was partially opened and damaged (maybe thats how he sent it!).

So now I wait for Paypal to resolve this matter........

Word to the wise: Stay away from AVI Motorsports or anything that is associated with them and cna2/Cris.