C'mon Acura/Honda

8 July 2002
Edison, NJ,08837
I have been a fan of honda's for quite some time now. I've had accords, a Legend, a TL, and now an Nsx. When Honda introduced the new accord and its 240-hp engine, I was so happy that Honda bumped its hp rating instead of keeping it the same as some magazines rumored. However, I do feel that Honda/Acura has been neglecting its flagships, namely the Nsx and the RL. Although I realize that Honda is aiming to be a value-lux brand, I wish that they would soon do something dramatic to their 2 highest priced cars. I

That's why I have secretly wish that Acura would bring back the moniker Legend and replace the RL, which in my opinion, did not deserve the name Legend anyways. I know many people who love the Acura Legend name and car who are like "what's an RL." I think it would be easier to sell new Legends than new RLs because if the new car is a great car, many magazines will write about the revival of a "Legend" kinda like the return of the Rx-8 or Z.
Maybe they can release a new Nsx at the same time. Can you imagine a new Nsx and Legend at a car show together?---Sweetness--Damn, I love Honda/Acura, but I am sick of going to shows and seeing all these new and exciting marque vehicles in the other booths. C'mon honda, do what you did in the early 90s and give us acura fans something to really talk about.

*Btw, I still have faith that Honda will shock the world again with a new Nsx.
I agree. I admit to not being too interested in Acur's other vehicles other than the NSX, partly because of the naming scheme.

I mean, I know what the GS, LS, RX, IS, ES series of Lexus vehicles are. But I'll be darned if I remember what TL, CL, RL lines of Acura's are.

For some reason I don't do well with Acura's naming scheme except for the NSX and RSX...
I have to agree with NSX_Dreamer... it's a bad move by Honda to change their vehicle names to the CRX, TSX, RSX, TCP, IPX, PPP, NTFS, UDP, STD...
Especially when their model names like "prelude" and "legend" are so well known and respected. (u only change your name if the name is bad)

kld12: i share your frustration of Honda sitting on it's backside, and would love to visit a carshow where HONDA is the center of attention... It wouldn't take much work on the NSX; just more power to take on the 'big boys'.
but i've been waiting enough to realize it's not worth hoping/wishing: Honda dont listen to our expectations...

I hope they prove me wrong.
I find Acura's naming convention confusing (and lame) as well. I have no idea what kind of cars CL/TL/RL are. Lexus started with the LS/GS/ES naming scheme, so consumers have always known what kind of cars those model numbers referred to. For Acura to change and copycat Lexus is just to confuse its buyers and admit failure. IMO they should have stuck to well known names like the Legend, Vigor, Integra.

Also, the current Acura cars (and Honda too for that matter) have some of the blandest styling I've ever seen. They need to take a clue from Nissan, and quit copying Buick.

[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 07 February 2003).]
It's not just Lexus that Acura was responding to.

It was BMW, Audi, Volvo...essentially every other manufacturer that they were competing against, that was using alpha-numeric designations as opposed to names.

Whether or not Honda made the right decision is another story. Perhaps if they kept the names they would have stuck out from the crowd.

Originally posted by Jimbo:
It was BMW, Audi, Volvo...essentially every other manufacturer that they were competing against, that was using alpha-numeric designations as opposed to names.

yup... Still, just coz everyone else is doing it doesn't mean Honda should.

What if all the other car manufacturer's jumped off a cliff... would honda do the same?

Jimbo: ditto on honda standing out in a crowd. Their sales might have gone up because they sold the only cars people weren't confused with! lol

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 07 February 2003).]
>> They need to take a clue from Nissan, and quit copying Buick.

Personally, I hope I don't live to see the day when Honda does ANYTHING "like" Nissan does it...and Buick should be so lucky.

When you build the best cars, you can call 'em anything you want to. I've never been big on badges, but have never been disappointed with a Honda. Then again, I'd be the first to admit that I'm not much of a marketing type. I'm just a car nut.

Some of Honda's styling has been called "bland", to be sure. They may not all shout at you that they were designed in the last 6 months, but usually still look pretty pleasing in 6 years. I think that as a marque, in general (and there were exceptions), Honda's styling usually withstands the test of time pretty well compared with most others. Of course if one trades every couple of years, that's of no consequence.

'93 Blk/Blk
I read an article in a car mag that one of the reasons for the name changes in all the Acura cars was for recognition.

If someone asked you what car you drive (and you own a Mercedes), I doubt you may say 300D or 450SEL, you'll say Mercedes since most people know Mercedes and not alpha-numeric names. That's what Acura wanted. When Acura owners were asked what cars they owned, they answered Integra, Vigor or Legend. The name "Acura" was never mentioned. So, going to CL, TL and RL would make the owner to say Acura due to non recoginition of the two letter vehicle name.

Personally, I prefer the styling and unique/distinct names the Acura cars had before. The new Acuras have names that sound the same and all the cars (except for the NSX) have similar front styling. Too bland. Nothing really exciting.
rrwildman wrote: some of Honda's styling has been called "bland", to be sure. They may not all shout at you that they were designed in the last 6 months, but usually still look pretty pleasing in 6 years.

i'd vouch for that. Today i passed a red '89 Prelude, and it STILL gets my attention... the NSX's little cousin...

Vytas: and all the cars (except for the NSX) have similar front styling.

look at BMW/Rolls Royce/Mercades/Porsche... they all have 'trademark' front styling. i'm with you; break the mold.
I think the letter naming system was poor choice (except for the NSX
). All of these other car makers have been using number/letter type names from the beginning, or almost the beginning. Plus, most make sense, as it is easy to figure out what size engine, what style car, etc each one is by their nomenclature. Honda has not done that at all with the Acura nomenclature, and it gets lost on many people. Go back to real car names if you want it to be an "American" system, which is what Acura is in the great land of Honda.