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And you know this because the exact part number is on the Acura invoice?  Or the tech confirmed it is an Acura clutch?  Or is it possible the previous owner brought in his own clutch for Acura to install?

If the OEM clutch is failing it's because it's being beat on very hard or there's something else majorly wrong that any tech will easily see.  Do not think an aftermarket clutch is going to last as long or have as much quality as the OEM clutch.   

The bottom line is that the clutch failure you're describing is due to either a crap clutch or crap driving.  I suspect the previous owner beat the clutch hard and I'm even assuming it was an OEM clutch.  I believe your claim that you don't beat on the clutch since you haven't had the car long enough to destroy the clutch even if you wanted to.

If you drive normally with stock power the OEM clutch is probably the best option.  If you beat on the car even an AM clutch will fail prematurely.  Under normal driving conditions the OEM clutch will last as long or longer than any AM option on the market and is a Honda quality part that has lasted well over 100K miles for many, many, many owners, including myself.
