Clutch Upgrade?

17 October 2000
Returning to Santa Clarita, CA
I have a stock 2002 NSX. I like the stock clutch feel (pedal pressure). I don't plan on driving the car at the track, but I want to get the 4:55 gears and, while I'm in there, considering getting a clutch upgrade.

Can anyone share their experiences or recommend a clutch setup that does not have too much pedal pressure?

I also don't want to replace a perfectly smooth clutch with one that chatters.

I'm on my second CT powergrip street/track clutch and the pedal pressure is about double stock,but you get used to it very quickly.I don't feel as if this is a burden in stop and go traffic.That said it sounds like you should stick with the stock unit,there is no real reason to change other than you will save on labor doing the rp.Why don't you drive this clutch until it gets used up and in the interim figure out if you want a nonstock unit then do the swap.
Is that for clutch or flywheel/clutch?I'm pretty sure its the latter.The lighter flywheel does make the car freer reving and there is less slop or play in the driveline during frequent high rev downshifts at the track,that is why I got the setup.But please realize that a lighter flywheel would help more if you could significantly reduce the wght of the whole car.there is a point were you start to disrupt the smoothness and balance of the stock car mod after mod,and if yours is primarily a street car and you don't plan on FI for your motor I see no real pressing need to change your relativly new drivetrain.Of course we each do what we want,so don't think I'm dissing your desire to mod.
You are giving me good input. The clutch/flywheel upgrade was a suggestion by the people doing the R&P. I never modified my last NSX (a 2000). This one, I thought I would pep it up a bit. I know the R&P did wonders for the 2000 Civic SI... and I've heard of OEM clutches being replaced on later model stock NSX's. I currently have no plans to add any kind of forced induction.
Yeah for sure, your car your choice. Is the difference really 19lbs? That's surprising. I don't know much about the stock single disk setup in late model cars but I think it is a "dual mass" design which makes direct weight comparisons difficult. And of course weight alone doesn't tell the whole story. Weight near the middle is no big deal while near the edges it counts double. As for direct impact on acceleration, it isn't much in first gear, far less in second, and so on. Search old posts for detailed explanation.

Still, chucking 19 lbs from any part of the rear is worth considering. I've got a PGII and like it, but given your original post would not recommend it for you.

How’s that for waffling? :)
nsx1 said:
... This one, I thought I would pep it up a bit. I know the R&P did wonders for the 2000 Civic SI...

Don't look now, but this isn't a Civic. ;)

Frankly, the 6-spd is so nice that I think the 455 is downgrade. It might make you grin at first because you run out of 1st & 2nd so quick, but that's equal parts perception and reality. You do accelerate quicker but you also top out of each gear at a lower MPH so you are not really getting to the same speed faster. I've got one I'd gladly sell but it's not worth the cost to remove until I need to pull the tranny out anyway